Reply to allegations of delay in submission/approval of WIRs

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : xxx Phase 2 Subject                 : Reply to allegations of delay in submission/approval of WIRs References         : Dear Sir, We refer to your letter ref: xxx dated 12 January xxxx and respond as follows: With respect to marble […]

Reply to allegations of Delay in submission/approval of WIRs

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : xxx Phase 2 Subject                 : Reply to allegations of Delay in submission/approval of WIRs Dear Sir, We are writing to respond to your letters ref: xxx & xx dated 10th & 14th December respectively as the content […]