Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by xxx

M/s xxx Properties LLC P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                 Tel: xxx Fax: xxx Attention        :   Engr. xxx                             Project Manager                              Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment – Civil Works Subject           :  Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by                        xxx Dear Sir, Further to our letter reference xxx dated 2nd August xxx regarding the above referred […]

Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by xxx

M/s xxx Properties LLC P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                 Tel: xxx Fax: xxx Attention        :   Engr. xxx                             Project Manager                              Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment – Civil Works Subject           :  Notification of Claims for Ceiling Suspension System Damaged by                        ASCON Dear Sir, We refer to our Work Order reference xxx dated 23rd June xxx regarding the […]