Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part)

Engineer's Instruction

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building. Subject :     Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part) Dear Sir, We refer to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) letter xxx… Continue reading Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part)

Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part)

advance payment

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building. Subject :     Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part) Dear Sir, In accordance with our Subcontract agreement ref: xxx, Appendix… Continue reading Notice of Delay in the release of the retention (1st part)

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