Confirmation to replace the 13 marble sets in case commented by the Home Owners

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building. Subject :     Confirmation to replace the 13 marble sets in case commented by the Home Owners Reference:  a) UP-1747/LET-1370-22/LS-at dated 04 March xxx                      b) UP-1747/LET-1380-22/LS-at dated 18 March […]

Confirmation to replace the 13 marble sets in case commented by the Home Owners

Our Ref: xxx Date: To xxx Contracting LLC P. O. Box xxx Dubai, U.A.E. Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building. Subject :     Confirmation to replace the 13 marble sets in case commented by the Home Owners Reference: a) xxx dated 04 March xxx Dear Sir, As requested in your […]