Completion of Defects Liability Period

Engineer's Instruction

M/s xxx Properties LLC P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, UAE Tel: xxx Fax: xxx Attention:         Mr. xxxAssistant Manager – Commercial           Project:            (G+23) Building 4 Nos. in Dubai Subject            :  Completion of Defects Liability Period Dear Engr. Ahmed, We refer to our letter reference xxx dated 1st October xxx regarding our reply to… Continue reading Completion of Defects Liability Period

Completion of Defects Liability Period

Engineer's Instruction

M/s xxx Properties LLC P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, UAE Tel: xxx Fax: xxx Attention:         Mr. xxxAssistant Manager – Commercial           Project:            (G+23) Building 4 Nos. in Dubai Subject            :  Completion of Defects Liability Period Dear Mr. xxx, We refer to our Work Order xxx dated 7th January xxx regarding the Lake Side… Continue reading Completion of Defects Liability Period

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