Request to remove xxx in the portal under Plot No. xxx project

Date: xxx Ref.: xxx Total Pages: 1 To        :           Dubai Development Authority (DDA) Dubai, UAE Project:           xxx Subject: Request to remove xxx in the portal under Plot No. xxx project Dear Sir/Madam, Reference to the subject and captioned project, we urge to remove our name xxx Contracting LLC (xxx) in the portal under the above mention project. attached herewith is the […]

Follow up on change contractor status

Date: xxx. Ref.: xxx Total Pages: 1 To, xxx P.O Box: xxx, Dubai, UAE Phone: +xxx Attention:        xxx – Principal Project:            xxx. Reference:       xxx Subject : Follow up on change contractor status Dear Sir, This is further to our letter MCM/P1005/OCAC/041/2020 dated 5th October 2020, we would like to follow up the process of change contractor with DDA. Please […]