Application no xxx- Undertaking letter

Date: xxx Ref no: xxx To The Manager, DM Qualification Section (License) Dubai Municipality, Dubai UAE Sub              : Application no xxx- Undertaking letter Dear Sir,           “This is in reference to the DM application no xxx . We undertake any damage to the existing beams for connections to Steel structure is our responsibility” xxx (Managing Director) xxx Contracting L.L.C

Application no xxx- Undertaking letter

Date:xxxRef No: CC/DT/DM/15 To,The Dubai MunicipalityBuilding Control SectionDubai, UAE Project         : 2B+G+14+LR Hotel Building on Plot No. 3731297, Al Barsha, Dubai Sub              : Application no 241570-26-1- Undertaking letter Dear Sir,           “This is in reference to the DM application no 241570-26-1 . We undertake any damage to the existing beams for connections to Steel structure is our responsibility” Regards,For xxx […]