Disputes and Claims in Construction Causes, Types, and Resolution.

Disputes and claims are common in construction projects due to the complexity, involvement of multiple parties, and the dynamic nature of the work. These issues arise when there is a disagreement or conflict between parties, typically related to contractual obligations, scope changes, delays, or unforeseen circumstances. Key Definitions Causes of Disputes and Claims Disputes and claims in construction projects typically […]

Project Overrun in Construction: Causes, Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies.

Project overrun refers to the situation where a construction project exceeds its planned schedule, budget, or both. It is a common issue that can lead to financial losses, strained relationships, and operational disruptions. Project overruns may occur due to various factors such as poor planning, unforeseen circumstances, inadequate resource allocation, or inefficiencies in project management. Types of Project Overrun Common […]

Non-Critical Delays in Construction Projects

Non-critical delays are delays that do not directly impact the overall completion date of a construction project because they occur on tasks or activities that have available float (or slack). These delays affect non-critical path activities, meaning there is flexibility in their completion without delaying the project’s final delivery date. While non-critical delays may not push the project’s deadline, they […]

Critical Delays in Construction Projects.

Introduction Critical delays are delays that directly impact the project’s critical path, leading to a delay in the overall project completion date. These delays are significant because they prevent the project from being completed on time and often result in severe consequences, such as liquidated damages, increased costs, or contractual disputes. Understanding and managing critical delays is crucial for maintaining […]

Non-Compensable Delays in Construction Projects.

Non-compensable delays are delays that extend the project timeline but do not entitle the contractor to financial compensation. In these instances, the contractor may receive a time extension to complete the project without facing penalties, but they are not reimbursed for any additional costs incurred due to the delay. Non-compensable delays usually stem from events beyond the control of both […]

Compensable Delays in Construction Projects

Compensable delays are delays in a construction project for which the contractor is not only entitled to a time extension but also financial compensation. These delays are typically caused by actions, omissions, or changes initiated by the project owner or client, and they often result in increased costs or extended project timelines for the contractor. Compensable delays differ from excusable […]

Non-Excusable Delays in Construction Projects.

Non-excusable delays are delays for which the contractor is responsible. These delays typically arise from factors that are within the contractor’s control, such as poor planning, mismanagement, or failure to adhere to project requirements. Unlike excusable delays, non-excusable delays do not warrant a time extension or compensation. In fact, these delays can result in penalties, liquidated damages, or even contract […]

Excusable Delays in Construction Projects.

Excusable delays are those that are beyond the control of the contractor or the project owner. These delays are typically caused by unforeseen events, and they are generally recognized as legitimate reasons for extending the project completion time without penalizing the contractor. However, excusable delays do not always entitle the contractor to financial compensation unless they are compensable delays as […]

Types of Schedule Delays in Construction Projects.

Construction project delays can be classified into different types based on their nature, cause, and responsibility. These schedule delays have significant implications on timelines, costs, and overall project outcomes. Understanding the types of schedule delays is essential for effective project management and resolution of disputes. Types of Schedule Delays in Construction Projects How Delays Impact Construction Projects Conclusion Understanding the […]

Types of delay occur in construction project.

Delays in construction projects are a common occurrence and can significantly impact the schedule, cost, and overall success of a project. Understanding the different types of delays is crucial for project managers to mitigate risks, manage timelines, and avoid disputes. Construction delays are typically categorized based on their causes, responsibility, and whether they can be compensated or excused. Types of […]