Method Statement for Dry-Mix Cement and Sand Plastering

Method Statement for Dry-Mix Cement and Sand Plastering

1. Purpose

The purpose of this method statement is to outline the procedures and best practices for applying dry-mix cement and sand plaster on various surfaces, ensuring quality, safety, and adherence to project specifications.

2. Scope of Work

This method statement covers the application of dry-mix cement and sand plaster on concrete, masonry, and other suitable surfaces, for both internal and external applications.

3. Materials

  • Dry-Mix Cement and Sand Plaster: A pre-blended mixture of cement, sand, and additives, supplied in bags or bulk, conforming to relevant standards.
  • Water: Clean and potable, free from impurities.
  • Bonding Agent: For enhanced adhesion on smooth or dense surfaces, as required.
  • Plaster Mesh: Galvanized or fiberglass mesh for reinforcement at joints or over large areas prone to cracking (optional).

4. Tools & Equipment

  • Trowels (steel and wooden floats)
  • Hawk
  • Spirit level
  • Plumb bob
  • Straight edge
  • Buckets for mixing (if manual mixing is required)
  • Mechanical mixer or drill with mixing paddle
  • Measuring tape
  • Brushes and sponges
  • Scaffolding or ladders (if required)
  • Spray equipment (if plaster is applied using a machine)

5. Safety Precautions

  • Ensure all workers wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including safety helmets, gloves, goggles, and safety boots.
  • Ensure scaffolding and ladders are secure when working at heights.
  • Provide adequate ventilation in enclosed spaces to avoid inhalation of dust.
  • Handle dry-mix plaster with care to prevent skin irritation and respiratory issues.

6. Preparation

  1. Surface Preparation:
  • Inspect the surface to ensure it is clean, dry, and free from dust, oil, grease, and loose particles.
  • Roughen smooth surfaces using a wire brush or chisel to provide a key for the plaster. On concrete or precast surfaces, applying a bonding agent may be necessary.
  • Fill any cracks or holes with a suitable filler material and ensure the surface is even.
  • Dampen the surface with clean water before plastering. The surface should be uniformly moist but not saturated to prevent rapid absorption of water from the plaster.
  1. Setting Out Levels:
  • Establish and mark reference points and levels using a plumb bob, spirit level, and chalk lines to ensure even application.
  • Install guide screeds as necessary to maintain the desired plaster thickness.

7. Mixing

  1. Dry-Mix Preparation:
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing the dry-mix plaster. Typically, add the dry-mix material to a clean container.
  • Gradually add water to the dry mix while stirring continuously. Use a mechanical mixer or drill with a mixing paddle to ensure a consistent, lump-free mixture.
  • Mix until the plaster reaches a smooth, workable consistency. Avoid adding excessive water, as this can weaken the plaster.

8. Application Procedure

  1. First Coat (Scratch Coat):
  • Apply the first coat of dry-mix plaster, usually 10 to 12 mm thick, using a trowel. Start from the bottom and work upwards.
  • Use a straight edge to level the plaster and remove any excess material.
  • While the plaster is still fresh, scratch the surface with a notched trowel or comb to create a rough texture, which will provide a key for the subsequent coat.
  • Allow the scratch coat to cure for at least 24 hours, keeping it moist to prevent premature drying and cracking.
  1. Second Coat (Finish Coat):
  • After the scratch coat has cured, apply the second coat of dry-mix plaster, typically 6 to 8 mm thick.
  • Use a straight edge and spirit level to ensure the surface is even and smooth.
  • Smooth the surface using a wooden float for a medium finish or a steel trowel for a finer finish, depending on the desired texture.
  • In areas prone to cracking or on large spans, consider embedding plaster mesh within the first coat to provide additional reinforcement.
  1. Machine Application (If Applicable):
  • If using spray equipment, adjust the machine settings according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to achieve the desired thickness and finish.
  • Spray the plaster evenly across the surface and immediately follow with a straight edge to level the material.

9. Finishing

  1. Final Smoothing:
  • After the plaster has been applied and is partially set, use a steel trowel to achieve a smooth finish.
  • For textured finishes, use a sponge float or brush while the plaster is still workable.
  1. Curing:
  • Curing is essential to prevent cracks and ensure the plaster reaches its full strength. Begin curing after 24 hours by lightly spraying water on the plastered surface.
  • Continue curing by keeping the plaster damp for 7 days, especially in hot or dry conditions, to prevent it from drying too quickly.

10. Quality Control

  • Thickness Verification: Use a straight edge and spirit level to verify that the plaster thickness meets the specified requirements.
  • Surface Evenness: Ensure the plastered surface is even, smooth, and free from undulations.
  • Adhesion Testing: Tap the surface lightly to check for hollow spots, indicating potential adhesion issues.
  • Finish Inspection: Check the surface for smoothness, consistency, and absence of defects such as cracks or voids.

11. Clean-Up

  • Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use to prevent the plaster from hardening on them.
  • Remove any excess plaster from adjacent surfaces while it is still wet.
  • Ensure the work area is clean and free from debris.

12. Completion & Handover

  • Conduct a final inspection to ensure that the plastering work complies with the project specifications and quality standards.
  • Provide documentation confirming the completion of the plastering work, noting any deviations or corrective actions taken during the process.
  • Hand over the plastered surfaces, ensuring they are ready for any subsequent treatments, such as painting or finishing.


This method statement provides a detailed procedure for applying dry-mix cement and sand plaster, ensuring high-quality results through proper preparation, mixing, application, and curing. Following these steps will result in a durable, aesthetically pleasing plaster finish that meets project requirements and stands the test of time.

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