What is Liquid applied membranes waterproofing? Explain in details with application procedure and typical use.

Liquid applied membranes (LAMs) are thin, continuous films of polymer-based liquid that are applied to surfaces to form a waterproof barrier. They are commonly used in construction as a method of waterproofing roofs, balconies, foundations, and other structures. The application procedure for liquid applied membranes typically involves the following steps: Typical uses of liquid applied membranes include: Overall, liquid applied […]

What is waterproofing? Type of waterproofing used in construction.

Waterproofing in construction refers to the process of making a structure or surface impervious to water, to prevent water intrusion and damage. This can involve applying a waterproofing membrane, coating, or treatment to the surface of the building, or incorporating waterproofing systems into the design and construction of the building. The ultimate goal of waterproofing is to protect the building […]

What is ordinary concrete, plain concrete, low strength concrete, high strength concrete and free flow concrete?

Ordinary concrete, also known as normal weight concrete, is a type of concrete that is made using a combination of cement, water, aggregate (typically gravel and sand), and air. It is referred to as “ordinary” or “normal weight” because it has a typical unit weight of around 2,400 to 2,800 kg/m3, which is the weight of the solid ingredients used […]

What is concrete mix design? How to perform a design mix.

Concrete mix design is the process of determining the proportions of cement, water, aggregates, and admixtures in a concrete mixture to achieve the desired performance and quality. The goal of concrete mix design is to produce a concrete mixture that will perform well under the specific conditions in which it will be used, while also being economical and practical to […]

What is Modulus of Elasticity Test of concrete? explain in details with test procedure and examples.

The modulus of elasticity test of concrete is a measure of the stiffness and elasticity of concrete. It is an important property that affects the behavior of concrete under loads, such as cracking and deformation. The modulus of elasticity is also used to calculate the deflection of concrete members and to determine the amount of reinforcement required to resist specific […]

What is Flexural Strength Test of concrete? explain in details with test procedure and examples.

The flexural strength test of concrete, also known as the “three-point bend test,” measures the ability of concrete to resist bending. This test is important for determining the overall strength and toughness of concrete, and is often used to assess the quality and consistency of a concrete mix. Test Procedure: The flexural strength of concrete is expressed in pounds per […]

What is water Absorption Test of concrete? explain in details with test procedure and examples

The water absorption test of concrete measures the amount of water that a concrete sample can absorb. This test is important for determining the durability and resistance to water of the concrete, and helps to ensure that the concrete will perform as expected in its intended environment. Test Procedure: The water absorption of concrete is expressed as a percentage of […]

What is Air Content Test of concrete? explain in details with test procedure and examples.

The air content test, also known as the air entrainment test, is used to measure the amount of entrained air in freshly mixed concrete. Entrained air is intentionally added to concrete to improve its durability and resistance to freeze-thaw damage, and to reduce cracking and segregation of the concrete mix. Test Procedure: The air content test provides a quantitative measure […]