Time Schedule: A contractual document between the client and the contractor that outlines the forecasted sequence and progress of work, including start, finish, and milestone dates. It may also include budget costs and manpower, creating project cash flow and manpower histograms.
Types of Time Schedules:
1-Tender Schedule: Prepared by contractors before a project is awarded, summarizing the execution plan without much detail.
2-Master Time Schedule: The first detailed schedule submitted post-award, including more project details, budget costs, and resource histograms.
3-Detailed Time Schedule: A comprehensive schedule with budget costs, resources, and equipment for each activity, becoming the baseline schedule upon client approval.
4-Baseline Time Schedule: The client-approved schedule against which work progress is monitored, with fixed dates and values.
5-Updated Time Schedule: Reflects actual progress with real dates and percentages, indicating if the project is ahead or behind schedule.
6-Recovery Schedule: Developed by the contractor to recover delays and maintain the contractual completion date.
7-Revised Time Schedule: Adjusts the baseline schedule for changes, delays, new or omitted scopes of work, often associated with an Extension of Time (EOT) claim.
8-Accelerated Time Schedule: When the client requests a faster completion, contractors may use schedule crashing or fast-tracking, potentially incurring acceleration costs.
These schedules are essential for managing and tracking the progress of projects effectively.