What is lime stone? How it made?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It is formed from the accumulation of shells, coral, algae, and other organic materials over time. As these materials settle to the bottom of the ocean or lake, they become compacted and eventually form limestone rock. Over time, the rock can be subjected to heat and pressure, causing it […]

Different types of reconstructed stone discussed in details with example and its use as per location and purpose.

There are several different types of reconstructed stone, each with its own unique characteristics and uses. Some of the most common types include: Each type of reconstructed stone will have its own set of standards and specifications that must be met in order to ensure quality and performance. For example, engineered stone may be required to meet certain standards for […]

Different tests are performed on natural stone to determine its quality, durability, and suitability for different applications.

Different tests are performed on natural stone to determine its quality, durability, and suitability for different applications. Some of the most common tests are: These are just a few examples of the different tests that are performed on natural stone. The specific tests that are required will depend on the intended use, location, and design style of the space, as […]

What is natural stone? Explain different type of natural stone in details with example and its use.

Natural stone is a type of building material that is quarried from the earth. It is made from rock, minerals, or other naturally occurring substances, and is cut and shaped into slabs, tiles, or other forms for use in building and construction projects. Natural stone includes a wide variety of materials, including granite, marble, limestone, sandstone, slate, and others. Each […]

What is Tile Test? Different types of tiles Test, explain in details with example.

Tile testing is the process of evaluating the physical and mechanical properties of tiles to determine their quality, performance, and suitability for different applications. Tiles are subjected to various tests to check for their water absorption, breaking strength, slip resistance, scratch resistance, stain resistance, and other properties. The results of these tests help to determine the durability, strength, and safety […]

What is tiles? Different types of tiles and its explanation.

Tiles are thin, flat pieces of material, typically ceramic or stone, used for covering walls, floors, and surfaces in buildings and structures. Tiles are durable, easy to clean, and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns. Here are some types of tiles and their uses, along with examples: These are just a few of the many types […]

Method of statement for application of Tile grout

The method of statement is a document that outlines the steps and procedures for the application of tile grout. Here are the steps involved in the process: It’s important to follow these steps carefully and in the correct order to ensure a smooth and even application of tile grout.