
Construction Health Safety and Environmental Policy Editable MS Word Format

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Guaranteed Safe Checkout
Construction Health Safety and Environmental Policy Editable MS Word Format
1.1. Purpose 04
1.2.Scopeand Description of the Project05
2. Occupational Health Safety and Environmental Policy 06
2.2. Occupational Health and Safety Policy 06
2.3.Environmental Policy             07
3. Objectives 08
4. HSE Management and Responsibilities 08
4.1. HSE Management 08
4.2.1. Project Manager 09
4.2.2.HSE Officer09
4.2.3.Construction Manager / Engineer10
4.2.4.Supervisor / Foreman             11
4.2.5. First Aider 11
4.2.6. Storekeeper 11
4.2.7. Office Secretary / Timekeeper 12
4.2.8. Workers 12
4.2.9. Subcontractors 12
4.3. General Site Safety Instructions 12
5. Safety Trainings & Meetings              15
5.1. Safety Induction Training 15
5.2.Toolbox Talk Meeting             15
5.3.Safety Meeting16
5.4.Basic Fire fighting Training16
5.5.Emergency Evacuation Training16
5.6.Safety Committee Meeting16
6. Health and Safety Operational Control 16
6.1.HSE Promotion, Recognition and Penalties             16
6.2.Inspection, Audit and Review             17
6.2.1.Daily and Weekly Inspection             17
6.2.2.Monthly Inspection18
6.2.3.Quarterly Review18
6.2.4.Annual Audit18
6.3.Safety Liaison between All Parties on Site             18
6.4.Communication with the Workforce             18
6.5.Control of Subcontractors on Site19
6.6.First Aid19
6.7.Accident and Incident Reporting19
6.8Production & Approval of Risk Assessments and Method statements20
6.8.1.Steps of Risk Assessment20
6.8.2.Control Measures21
6.9.PPE- Personal Protective Equipments21
6.10.Manual Handling23
6.11.Hazardous Substances24
6.11.1.Disposal of Materials                          24
6.12Access and Egress24
6.13Housekeeping             25
6.14Electrical Safety25
6.15.Fire Prevention and Control Measures 26
6.15.1.How to use Fire Extinguisher                          26
6.16. Working at Height 26
6.17. Confined Spaces 27
6.18. Lone Working              27
6.19. Hot Work 27
7. Environmental Management              28
7.1.Reduction of Noise28
7.2.Vibration of Control28
7.3.Air Quality Monitoring28
7.4.Storage of Oils and Chemicals28
7.6Material Storage & Resource Conservation             29
7.7.Water Contamination             29
7.8.Waste Management30
8. HSE Procedures 30
8.1.Procedure for Accident / Near miss Investigation             30
8.2.Procedure for Fire and Safety             35
8.3.Procedure for Emergency Evacuation44
8.4.Procedure for Identification of Significant Environmental Impacts             52
8.5.Procedure for Evaluating Compliance with Environmental              60
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS TOOLBOX TALKS ATTACHMENTS Casting Blinding Concrete for Foundation Building StructuresConstruction Health Safety and Environmental Policy Editable MS Word Format
Original price was: 18,00 $.Current price is: 6,00 $.