HAZARD / WORK: Casting Blinding Concrete for Foundation Building Structures. LOCATION: ______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2 Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke X… Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Casting Blinding Concrete for Foundation Building Structures
Month: October 2022
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS TOOLBOX TALKS ATTACHMENTS Excavation and Foundation Preparation for Building Structures
Toolbox talks:-Manual HandlingCOSHHExcavationsNOISE Manual Handling We lift, manoeuvre and handle goods every day of our lives in one way or another, not just whilst at work but also during social activities such as gardening, DIY, shopping and sport. A bad back or injury today, could, and regularly does, turn into a painful back problem for… Continue reading JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS TOOLBOX TALKS ATTACHMENTS Excavation and Foundation Preparation for Building Structures
Method Statement for Excavation and Foundation Preparation for Building Structures
Table of Contents Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1.0 Purpose To ensure that all excavation and foundation preparation of building activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance / control activities are conducted in a… Continue reading Method Statement for Excavation and Foundation Preparation for Building Structures
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Excavation and Foundation preparation For Building Structures
TASK: Excavation and foundation preparation for Building Structures Date:31st October 2006 No ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK CONTROL MEASURES TO MINIMISE / ELIMINATE RISK RESPONSIBLE PERSON 1 Service location survey Manual handling operations (MHO’s) Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries Maximum use of equipment to reduce need… Continue reading JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Excavation and Foundation preparation For Building Structures
ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Excavation and Foundation preparation For Building Structures
HAZARD / WORK: Excavation and Foundation preparation For Building Structures LOCATION: ______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2 Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke … Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Excavation and Foundation preparation For Building Structures
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS TOOLBOX TALKS ATTACHMENTS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
Method Statement for Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments Purpose 1.1 To ensure that the backfilling of box culverts and associated structures (catch pits, access chambers, culvert outflow structures, transition manholes, etc.) is executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/… Continue reading Method Statement for Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out TASK: Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures Date:14 October 2006 No ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK CONTROL MEASURES TO MINIMISE / ELIMINATE RISK RESPONSIBLE PERSON 1 Backfilling & Compaction Equipment falling into work area… Continue reading JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
HAZARD / WORK: Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures LOCATION:______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2 Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke X Employees……………………… Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
Method Statement for Production of As-Built Drawings
As-built drawings are the most important documents in the construction process. As-built drawings are usually the original design drawings revised to reflect any changes made in the field (e.g., design changes issued by change order and/or RFI, component relocations required for coordination, and rerouting of distribution systems). All of these revisions will need prior approval… Continue reading Method Statement for Production of As-Built Drawings