JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures

ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures
ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures

The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out

  TASK: Backfilling of Box Culverts and Associated Structures    Date:14 October 2006
1Backfilling & CompactionEquipment falling into work areaInjuries to operatives in the work areaStrict access control to the work area, use of stop blocks as appropriate No vehicles allowed closer than 2 metres from the work area. 
  Vehicles falling into excavationPlant related injuries.Stop blocks will be erected 2 metres from the excavation edge. No vehicles will be allowed closer than 2 metres from the work area. 
  Vehicle / plant overturningEntrapment, Crush injuriesOut riggers to be in place before works takes place 
  NoiseDeafness, CEMP violationNoise monitoring will be conducted to measure noise as required by the CEMP. Proactive measures will be taken to reduce noise SFAIRP. Hearing protection will be available on request to all exposed staff should the TWA Noise level reach 80dB. Hearing protection will be mandatory if the TWA background noise reaches 85dB. 
  Unplanned vehicle movementsPlant on plant incidents. Pedestrian injuriesA strict Plant / Vehicle and operative / pedestrian separation regime will be enforced.
Wearing of high visibility vests.
  Lack of oxygenAsphyxiationForced Air movement as necessary. 
  Venomous insects Snakes.Potentially lethal bitesAreas to be checked prior to entry Operatives to be briefed on what constitutes a potentially lethal insect or snake 
2Erecting permanent protectionUse of plantSwing area entrapment. injuriesNo person will work within the traversing arc of lifting equipment unless authorised 
  Unplanned vehicle movementsPlant on plant incidents. Pedestrian injuriesA strict Plant / Vehicle and operative / pedestrian separation regime will be enforced.
Wearing of high visibility vests.
  TrafficRTA’s Vehicles entering work areaA strict Plant / Vehicle and operative / pedestrian separation regime will be enforced.
Wearing of high visibility vests. Flashing beacons at night, use of a flagman
This JHA was prepared by:- This JHA was authorised by:-
D L Woods ESH Manager AAJ-JV   Date:-14 October 2006Name & Position to be inserted Emad Yacoub, Section Engineer Date:- 14 October 2006
  TASK:__________________________________________________________________      Date: ___________________
 Persons in ChargeDesignationSignature

All Employees are to sign below in recognition and understanding of this JHA content

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By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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