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Reply – Notification of Delay

Notice of Delay in Payments

Notice of Delay in Payments

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject: Reply – Notification of Delay

Dear Sir,

This is further to your letter ref. AAEC/DB/3244/22/AS dated 15th February 2022, most of the items has submitted and under engineering approval process. The balance three items will be submitted within next week. Following are the MMC response.

1Submission of MDB, DB and SMDB: Negative 6 days.Supplier and manufacture prequalification under review, will be submitted by 25th February 2022.
2Submission of water transfer pump sets: Negative 75 daysFirst revision was submitted on 20-Jan-22 and resubmitted on 10- Feb 22 as per consultant comments.
3Submission of sump pump: Negative 73 daysFirst revision was submitted on 20-Jan-22 and resubmitted on 12-Feb-22.
4Submission of booster pump: Negative 69 daysFirst revision was submitted on 20-Jan-22 and resubmitted on 12-Feb-22.
5Submission of circulation pump: Negative 69 daysFirst revision was submitted on 20-Jan-22 and resubmitted on 12-Feb-22.
6Submission of GRP panel water tank: Negative 49 daysSubmission is under review, will be submitted by 22-Feb-22.
7Submission of FCU: Negative 49 daysSubmitted on 17-Feb-22.
8Submission of variable refrigerant unit: Negative 56 daysSubmitted on 17-Feb-22
9Submission of exhaust fan: Negative 49 daysUnder review, will be submitted by 25-Feb-22.

We would like to highlight that, despite of multiple obstruction from authority, neighbor for the swimming dewatering work, we have recovered the delay and now it’s almost 0 float for construction activity. The delay in engineering submission and approval will also be recovered soon.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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