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Method Statement Title: Testing and Commissioning of Public Address System

Background music and public address system

Background music and public address system

Method Statement Title: Testing and Commissioning of Public Address System

1.0       Scope

This method statement details the method of Testing and commissioning of  Public Address System.


A separate Method Statement Ref. ETA/MS/E-   shall be submitted for Installation of 

the Public Address System.

2.0       Material

2.3       Speakers shall be as per approved shop drawing.

3.0       Applicable Location

Tower E1,E2,E3,W1,W2,W3,(Public Areas)

4.0       Method

Find attached the manufacturer representative’s detailed method statement and test formats for testing and commissioning of Public Address System covering the mechanical checks,  switching ON the unit. Programming and testing

The whole system will be commissioned and certified by the manufacturer’s representative before handing over.

5.0       Records

            5.1       Commissioning procedure with test results in attached format.

            5.2       Inspection request duly signed-off by NMX and Consultant.

            5.3       Certification of installation by SIBCA

6.0       Attachment

6.1       Manufacturer’s representative method statement detailing the pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures, including test formats

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