Your Letter ref xxx  dated 24 Nov’xx; Delay in Pod Erection


Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050

Date                                      : 03th July XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. xxx

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Your Letter ref xxx  dated 24 Nov’xx; Delay in Pod Erection

Dear Mr. xxx,

A/ We received today your aforementioned letter regarding RAK precast alleged delay in pod erection in plot 6 block 6. We would to clarify the following to put things into perspective:

A1/ we’ve officially informed xxx Engineering, under our letter dated the 1st of October Ref: xxx, that all the pods for this project are finished and fully ready in our factory. You are all welcome to visit our factory to inspect the same.

A2/ xxx has been always ahead of schedule.

A3/ now regarding the above mentioned delivery to Plot 6/ Block 6 third Floor, please refer your letter Ref: xxx, under which you stated that the site will be ready on the 13th November xxx. We took action and sent pods but unfortunately the site was not ready and the pods had to wait until RAK precast gives us site clearance. Finally, on the 20th of November we got clearance for 6 pods and it was immediately installed.  On 21st of November an additional 6 pods were installed, and the last pod was installed on 24th of November.

The last Pod had to be shipped with the subsequent delivery which was scheduled on the 24th of November. We have constantly stated that the deliveries should be planned based on full trailer loads (in multiple of four pods). We load four pods per trailer and cannot send a single pod in a trailer. If you want us to send single/one pod in a trailer (because of site limitations or other parties’ delays) than Sun Engineering will have to bear the extra cost.

Thus, there are no delays whatsoever from Unipods side.

B/ On a separate note but fundamentally related, since we are discussing about delays, the below is for your attention and action:

B1/ Plot 006 Block 2 Fourth floor pod delivery was scheduled on 24 Nov, but still we don’t have the clearance for pod erection. The grouting and wall alignments are not finished from RAK Precast side.  kindly refer the images (5, 6,7, 8) attached.

B2/Plot 006 BLOCK 1 First floor pod delivery scheduled on the 25th of Nov, but still we have no clearance for pod erection. The wall panels are not yet finished from RAK Precast side.

This is just to name few.

We believe xxx Engineering is fully aware of the situation and should have not entertained these types of letters from RAK precast by which they are trying to escape from responsibilities.

C/ To avoid any future confusion:

C1/ xxx request the green light to send all the pods (full project quantity) to site immediately.

C2/ The site delays and unclear and changing program are causing Unipods serious damages: a/ The Pods stored in our factory are occupying a huge space disrupting operations and b/ the inability to ship is delaying our invoicing and impacting negatively our cashflows.

C3/ xxx will not allow any party to take advantage of its [xxx] cooperation and flexibility to cover its [other party] shortfalls.

Your immediate and appropriate action in this matter is highly appreciated.  



Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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