Reply to Letter 174 Delay in Pod Erection

Pods Delivery
Pods Delivery

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050

Date                                      : 03th July XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. xxx

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Reply to Letter 174 Delay in Pod Erection         

Dear Mr. xxx,

We received you letter regarding the delay in installing our pods. We had made xxx Engineering aware in our letter on 1st of October Ref: xxx, that our production of pods for this is finished in our factory. You are all welcome to visit our factory to inspect the same.

Now regarding the above mentioned area Plot 6/ Block 6 Third Floor, please refer your letter Ref: xxx, saying the mentioned area is ready to take pods and requesting us to deliver the pods on 13th November xxx. Here it is clear from the xxx precast letter that they were already delayed by 6 days. Inspite of site not being ready we had sent the pods on 15th November and all our pods waited for xxx Precast for until 22nd to install these 12 Pods out of 13 pods. We have mentioned before that we can send only 4 pods in one trailer and if you want us to send individual pods in a trailer because of site interests and others delay, xxx Engineering have to bear the cost. So the delay from xxx Precast from the date mentioned by xxx Engineering is 9 days. In the next delivery which was on 24th November the last one pod was installed first thing in the morning.

Now since we are discussing about the delays, the below is for your information and further action,

1/ Plot 006 Block 2 Fourth floor pod delivery is scheduled on 24-11-2014, but still we don’t have the clearance for pod erection. Grouting and wall alignment is not finished from xxx Precast kindly refer the images (5, 6,7, 8) attached.

2/Plot 006 BLOCK 1 First floor pod delivery scheduled on 25 -11-2014, still no clearance for pod erection. Wall panels not yet finished from xxx Precast.

We understand the anxiety xxx Precast have because of all these delays in this project so far, xxx Engineering is fully aware of the situations at site and should have not entertained these type of letters where they are trying to escape from responsibilities.

xxx is ready to send all the balance pods to site at your request, so please give the schedule for the full project and we are also finding difficulties in sending pods based on inconsistent schedule.

Your immediate and appropriate action in this matter is highly appreciated.  



Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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