Wastage / Damage of Ceramic Tiles

Tiles and other Prime Cost items
Tiles and other Prime Cost items

M/s xxx Construction & Investment Co. L.L.C.

P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.                                

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention        :   Mr. xxx

                            Operations – Operations                           

Project            :  (G+7F) xxx Apartment

Consultant    :  xxx Engineering Consultants

Subject            :  Wastage / Damage of Ceramic Tiles

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter reference xxx dated 15th August xxx in regarding your claim for the alleged damages to ceramic tiles which we totally reject and would like to inform you of the following;

  1. The photos shown on the attached document are taken at the Ground Floor areas, please be informed that Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is working on the 4th Floor to 7th Floor of Cluster 13 Block A and from 4th floor to 6th Floor of Cluster 13 Block B, moreover, our scope of works is to install only the ceramic tiles and it is Ascon’s responsibility to shift the materials to the area where Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is working, therefore, all the breakage/damages to the Ceramic Tiles are attributable to Ascon and not to Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors.
  2. Considering that Ascon is responsible to shift the materials to the location where Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is working, any breakage/damages to the materials is Ascon responsibilities, in addition, it was noticed that photos were taken 2 months ago and it is surprising that this issue was raised only now if Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is at fault. The attached photos has no specific location mentioned, therefore, the allegation is baseless and totally rejected.
  3. Damages to the materials is due to improper handling, considering that Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is not responsible for the handling of materials, your allegation is baseless and malicious, therefore, totally rejected.
  4. Again, photos shown on the attached document is in Ground Floor while Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is working on the upper levels, the allegation that the damages is caused by Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is baseless and malicious, therefore totally rejected.
  5. On the photos shown on the attached documents it is confirmed that it was in Cluster 13 5th Floor Block A where Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is working, however, the photos showing the ceramic tiles are currently being used for the projects and are not wastage as alleged by Ascon, therefore, the allegation of damages by Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors is baseless and malicious, and totally rejected.

In view of the above aforesaid, Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors totally reject any amount that will be deducted on our payments due to this issue.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Kind Regards,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC                                   


Commercial Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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