M/s xxx Construction & Investment Co. L.L.C.
P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel: xxx
Fax: xxx
Attention : Mr. xxx
Operations – Operations
Project : (G+7F) xxx Apartment
Consultant : xxx Engineering Consultants
Subject : Notice of Claim – Idle Time Due to Absence of Electricity
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your letter reference xxx dated 4th August xxx in response to our letter reference xxx dated 3rd August xxx regarding our Notice of Claim of Idle Time due to the absence of electricity.
Please be informed that we reject your statement that there was no official communication sent in advance to ASCON, we would like to remind you that our request has been discussed with ASCON on 30th July xxx in the presence of the Client M/s xxx, moreover, your statement that Romeo Interiors only informed you at the last minutes shall be considered null and void due to the fact that you have agreed to comply to our request on 30th July xxx in the presence of the Client M/s xxx.
In view of the above, our Notice of Claim for additional cost due to the non- provision of electricity and non-availability of the flat keys at site as coordinated and agreed remains valid and all the relevant cost details will be submitted in due course.
This is for your information and necessary action.
Kind Regards,
For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC
Commercial Manager