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Regarding Shoring Area Block Work



Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

       Subject        : Regarding Shoring Area Block Work.

  Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, our variation nos. 1 to 6 , kindly note the following:

1. The variation work for the block work was carried out with the due instruction with letter ref. no. AP/269/CC/50 dated March 19, 2016. and consideration to receive the water proofing on the block wall since existing shoring wall away from the from the retaining wall outer surface / temporary panel can’t receive the water proofing.

2. Our scope was purely the RCC Wall next to the shoring executed by the enabling Sub contractor and provided by the client our per our contract document in Vol. 2 of 2 Section F ( Specialties and Accessories page 2) no  such civil work   included on shoring wall. (Clear instruction).

3. The road side block work carried out because in our architectural drawing A-301 drawing title Section 1 and 2. Our water proofing supposed to be on the shoring panel. First of all these panels are temporary and placed 200 mm away from the RCC wall line by the shoring contractor.

4. The variation no. 5 which is miscellaneous work done by Chiarg behalf of SS Lootah and   agreed the amount.

5. The Variation No. 6 which is de-watering, we are attaching our communication letter ref. no.  CC/AP/515/17 dated 29/07/17 which is self- explanatory.

So, the block work was purely additional work and carried out as per requirement of the project and instruction to receive the water proofing closed to the RCC wall surface and site condition and the guniting was agreed without any cost by considering 50mm to 100mm thickness but north side wall received 100 to 250mm which is additional cost to be considered as well as miscellaneous work as agreed.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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