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Notice of Default on progress payment

Payment Terms

Payment Terms

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Building Contracting LLC                        

P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx HEIGHTS, Dubai

Subject                 :               Notice of Default on progress payment

Dear Sir,

We are writing to put on record again that you are in flagrant default on xxx progress payments.  Your company has failed to settle our payments as per our Sub-Contract Agreement payment terms.

The following summarizes the status of the payments in default.

IPA No.Cheque DateCheque No.Amount (AED)Deposit DateStatusDelay Time (days)
4xxx5216xxx Main Contractor requested not to deposit the cheque.59

Additionally to the above, Cheque No. 5 will be due after 5 days on 25-July-xxx amounting AED xxx and IPA No. 09 Post Dated Cheque (PDC) amounting AED xxx is due for collection.

It must be recorded that all PDC cheques from PC No.5 to PC No. 8 received are not in line with the payment terms and the dates of these cheques were postdated for 100 to 200 days which is totally inacceptable.

We have not received any payment yet for the project, noting that we have completed 100% of the production and delivery.

You are immediately requested to release the payments due to avoid further complications. 

We reserve our right to claim for any losses, damages and any other direct or indirect consequences that may result from the Contractor’s default.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager     

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