uPVC High Pressure Water Supply Piping System Installation Procedure
uPVC High Pressure Water Supply Piping System Installation Procedure


  1. 1.0 PURPOSE
  2. 2.0 SCOPE
  7. 7.0 PROCEDURE















This method statement is applicable for Installation & testing of all types drainage piping system in all areas for the project.


Supply , installation & testing of drainage piping system for all applications in line with project requirments .


      3.1  Latest Approved shop drawings for the required and applicable areas for  Drainage.

            3.2  Specification:

  • ISO 9001:2008.
    • Project Quality Plan
    • Material Approval Requist references:


  • PQP                             : Project Quality Plan
  • PSP                              : Project Safety Plan
  • HSE                             : Health, Safety and Environment
  • MS                               : Method Statement
  • ITP                               : Inspection Test Plan
  • QA/QC                         : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.
  • WIR                             : Inspection and Test Request
  • MIR                             : Material Verification Request
  • MAR                            : Material Approval Request
  • UPVC Class E              : Ultrapolyvinyl chloride for external sewerage/drainage works BS 3505.
  • UPVC                          : Ultrapolyvinyl chloride for inside the building.
  • HDPE                           : High density polyethylene to DIN 19535 or equivalent British Standards for                              chemical waste of the laboratories.


Responsibilities for ensuring that the steps in this procedure shall be carried out are specified at relevant steps in the procedure:

            5.1 Project Manager

The work progress shall be carried out as per planned program and all the equipment’s required to execute the works shall be available and in good condition as per project planned.

Specific attention is paid to all safety measures and quality control in coordination with Safety Engineer and QA/QC Engineer and in line with PSP and PQP.

5.2 Construction Manager

Construction Manager is responsible to supervise and control the work on site.

5.3 Site Engineer

The method of statement to the system shall be implemented according to the Consultant project specifications and approved shop drawings.

Provision of all necessary information and distribution of responsibilities to his Construction team.

The work progress shall be monitored in accordance with the planned work program and he will provide reports to his superiors.

The constant coordination with the Safety Engineer to ensure that the works are carried out in safe working atmosphere.

The constant coordination with the QA/QC Engineer for any works to be carried out and initiate for the Inspection for the finished works.

He will ensure the implementation of any request that might be raised by the Consultant.

Efficient daily progress shall be obtained for all the equipment and manpower.

He will engage in the work and check the same against the daily report received from the Foremen.

The passage of all the revised information to the Foremen and ensure that it’s being carried out properly.

5.4 QA/QC Engineer (MEP):

The monitoring of executions of works at site and should be as per the approved shop drawings and project specifications.

Ensure WIRs and MIRs are being raised for activities in timely manner and inspected by the Consultant.

He will follow and carried out all the relevant tests as per project specifications.

Obtain the required clearance prior to Consultant’s inspections.

Should acquire any necessary civil works clearances and coordination.

5.5 Site Foreman

The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in coordination with the Site Engineer on a daily basis.

Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with the Site Engineer.

Incorporate all the QA/QC and Safety requirements as requested by the concerned Engineer.

Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same to the Site Engineer immediately.

5.6 Safety Officer

The implementation of all safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan and that the whole work force is aware of its proper implementation.

The implementation of safety measures is adequate to maintain a safe working environment on the work activity.

Inspection of all the site activities and training personnel in accident prevention and its proper reporting to the Construction Manager and the Project Manager.

The site is maintained in a clean and tidy manner.

Ensure only trained persons shall operate the power tools.

Ensure all concerned personals shall use PPE and all other items as required.

Ensure adequate lighting is provided in the working area at night time.

Ensure high risk elevated areas are provided are barricade, tape, safety nets and provided with ladders.

Ensure service area/inspection area openings are provided with barricade, tape, and safety nets.

Ensure safe access to site work at all times.

            5.7 Store Keeper (SK)

Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe from rusty and damage.


Following tools shall be arranged before starting the job.




      Work Sequence/Procedure (Installation & Leak Test Procedure of drainage pipes).

All the materials received at site shall be as per the approved technical material submittals

& to be inspected upon receipt & approved by the engineer prior proceed with installation through MIR & Any discrepancies, damages etc, should be reported  to the supplier for further action & to be removed from site immediately.

All construction/inspection/testing works shall be carried out in accordance with specifications & to be done by qualified Mechanical engineers and shall further to be checked and approved by MEP Subcontractor construction Manager along with QA/QC Engineer.

Contractor has to clarify the procedure for material delivery to the site through consultant Engineer at site.

            7.2        Handling

            7.2.1     Handling (for Drainage pipes)

During transportation pipes must be handled with care. Do not drop or drag pipes especially on hard surfaces. This is particularly important where the pipe ends have been pre-prepared in the form of spigots (e.g. chamfered ends) and integral sockets.

Where ever possible the loading and Off loading of pipes to be carried out by hand.

When mechanical lifting equipment is to be used, no metallic slings, hooks or chains should used in direct contact with the pipe.  Ropes or web slings are preferred, as they will not damage the pipes.

7.3        Storage

            7.3.1  Storage on site (for Drainage pipes)

Drainage Pipes should be stored on a flat dry level surface free from sharp projections, stones or other objects likely to cause point loading or pipe deformation. Timber supports spaced 1.5m apart along the pipe can be used to support the pipes.  The width of the stack should not exceed 3m.

Pipes of different sizes should be stacked separately or where this is not possible, hose with larger diameters and/or thicker walls should be placed at the bottom of the stack. The height of the stack should never exceed 7 layers or maximum 2m high.

All pipes and fittings should be properly covered with tarpaulins to protect them from UV rays.  The tarpaulins are to be fixed to the wooden supports, which allow a free passage of air around the pipes.

Fittings will be stored in sheltered conditions in the boxes as supplied to protect them from weathering and accidental damage.

7.3.2 Transport of the drainage pipes:

The vichele should have flat bed freefrom sharp projections of any kinds. Also the pipes must be supported strongly inside the vichel and should not overhand pipe lengh more than 1 meter.

The larger size and thicker pipes shold be loaded first. And for more information you can check the below photo.

            7.4 Sequence of installation for Drainage piping:

            The drainage piping in this project divided into 3 types:

            7.4.1 Above Ground Piping (UPVC):

            solvent cement weld Joint:

            7.4.2 Under Ground Piping (UPVC Class E):

         Push –fit joint :

            7.4.4 Underground Piping for chemical waste (HDPE pipes):

Item below procedure shall be done by qualified approved personal.

Joints shall be carried out using electro weld sleeve couplings – as shown in below photo- :

            7.4.5 Steps of the electrofusion weld process:

1. Preparations
Good preparation consist of making sure the electrofusion control box works properly. The inserted pipe or fitting must completely cover the resistance wires at the surface of the coupler for a good heat exchange. In order to utilize the fusion and cold zones in the pipe or fitting must be inserted to the correct depth.

2. Cutting the pipe square
The pipe ends must be cut square to ensure that the resistance wire in the coupler is completely covered by the pipe or fitting.

3. Mark surface for scraping
The insertion depth +10 mm must be marked to ensure the oxidized layer will be removed from the full welding zone.

4. Scrape pipe and mark insertion depth
The full outer surface of the pipe that will be covered by the coupler, must be scraped (approx. 0,2 mm deep) to remove any surface ‘oxidation’. The insertion depth should be marked again to safeguard full insertion.

5. Clean electrofusion coupler
Before assembling the pipes into the coupler ensures that all surfaces are clean and dry.

6. Insert pipe/fitting until marked line
Ensure that the pipe is pushed into the coupler as straight as possible and up to the marked insertion depth. This will ensure that all the wires are covered with HDPE during the fusion cycle.

7. Prevent misalignment and movement
Misalignment will cause extra load on the fusion zone causing additional HDPE to melt resulting in the outpouring of HDPE or wire movement. The movement of the pipe can cause melted HDPE to flow out of the joint. This can result in wire movement and possibly a short circuit and thus a bad weld or fire hazard.

8. Welding electrofusion coupler and cooling down
Commence welding after connecting the control box to the coupler by pressing the start button. Control boxes adapt the welding time to the ambient temperature. The joint assembly should not be disturbed during the fusion cycle and for the specified cooling time afterwards.

            7.5Leak Testing

            7.6 Backfilling

  • concrete with 150mm cover on all sides, as described above. ( Refer to Specs. 230500 page #.1)


·        Inspection & Test Plan                                           

·        Check Sheet                                             

·        Check Sheet                                                            

Risk Assessment     

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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