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xxx Response on Non Conformance Notice (NCN No. 509)



Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx International Contracting LLC

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai, U.A.E.

            Tel: xxx

            Fax: xxx

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

Email               :           xxx

Project             :           xxx Polo Club

Subject            :           xxx Response on Non Conformance Notice (NCN No. 509)

Dear Mr. Abdul,

We received your letter Ref. xxx and would like to respond as follow:

We completely refute to the statement that this is an issue about the conformity. Also this is not the situation in all pods and it is noticed for around 20 pods. We understand from the site survey and the pictures that this damages is because of excessive and unorganized usage & exposure of water in these cabinets. As a supplier we don’t have any control on these activities and will not be able to take the responsibility of the end user.

So this claim can never be considered as a quality issue from xxx and material used for these cabinets.

However, we will be happy to serve you and provide new cabinets under a reasonable cost. Please let us know in return so that we can procced accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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