Undertaking Letter
Undertaking Letter

M/s xxx Properties LLC

P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, UAE

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention:         Mr. xxxAssistant Manager – Commercial          

Project:            (G+23) Building 4 Nos. in Dubai


Dear Mr. xxx,

With reference to the subject, it was our pleasure to receive the work order for the execution and completion of certain works at Lake Side Project.  Herein we have gone through the work order terms & conditions, and we would like to clarify as per the attached comments.

This is sent for your kind clarification.

Thanks & regards,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC:


Commercial Manager

  1. Work Order Agreement

D. Other Condition Clause (i)

Rubbish generated during the performance of the works:

We can only dispose the rubbish to the approved designated dumping area inside the project site. Disposal of the rubbish material outside the project areas requires authorities’ approvals which is not our responsibility reference to the work order exclusions.


Please add to the work order exclusions the followings as per our quotation.

  • Mechanical, Electrical and plumbing works.
  • Aluminum & Glazing works.
  • Demolishing.
  • Supply of joinery works
  • Supply of ceiling tile and ceiling tile suspension
  • Toilets accessories ( supply )
  • CAR insurance. 
  1. Appendix to General Condition
  • Warranty Period

The work order does not include specification, therefore no warranties are specified. Please delete this item.

  • Defect Liability Period

The work order scope is related to certain works and not based on design drawings or defined specifications and quantities. Therefore we request you to waive the DLP from the agreement as it is not applicable.

  1. General Conditions

10. Insurance

Contractor’s All Risk Insurance is excluded in our quotation and we think that it is not applicable reference to the work order scope of work.

12. Quality of Materials, Equipment and Workmanship

Clauses (b) and (c) are not applicable reference to the work order scope of work as all materials supply are by the first party, so please delete this condition

13. Warranties

  • The work order does not include specification, therefore no warranties are specified. Please delete the conditions related to warranties. 

24. Certificates and Payments

  • The advance payment (10%) guarantee will be submitted by Romoe is undated company security cheque equal to the value of the advance payment. Please modify.
  1. Payment of Retention Money

Upon the issuance of the taking over certificate with respect to the totality of the whole works, full retention money shall be certified by the Engineer for the payment to the Contractor, please modify.    

       Schedule 1 – Scope Of Work

            All Work Places

  1. Painting works

c) Paint of internal walls and balcony ceiling. External painting are excluded from our    quotation. Please modify.

  • Joinery Works

 d) Fixing missing screws…etc, please add that all ironmongery to be supplied by the first party.

  • Gypsum Works
  • Repairing and replacing the damaged gypsum tile. Please add that all tile and suspension material to be supplied by the first party reference to our quotation exclusions.  

Work Order Signatories

Please change the company name from Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Decoration factory to Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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