Wooden doors Subcontractor payment issue.

Wooden and Joinery Works
Wooden and Joinery Works

Date: February 24, xxx

Ref.: xxx

Total Pages: 1


M/s. xxx Consultants

P.O. Box: xx, Dubai, UAE.

Phone: xxx, Fax: xxx

Attention:       Engr.  xxx– Resident Engineer

Project:           Proposed B+G+1 Villa for Mr. xxx, Plot No. xxx, Jumeirah First, Dubai.

Subject:           Wooden doors Subcontractor payment issue.

Dear Sir,

With reference to above mentioned subject, we would like to inform you that as per the Consultant verbal approval, we have paid 20% advance to xxx Fitout interior LLC for the wooden joinery work subcontractor.

The subcontractor has defaulted and they are denying to return back the amount of AED 10,806.58 which we have paid as an advance.

The current wooden joinery subcontractor is the Royal Art Décor LLC, they are also asking for the advance payment to proceed further with the mockup installation. Please release 20% of wooden joinery works payment as per the BOQ to regularize the project cash flow.

This is for your action.

Thank You.

Yours Sincerely,

xxx Building Contracting LLC

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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