Understand the given instructions

Understand the given instructions
Understand the given instructions

Date: xxx


Kind Attn:        Mr.xxx, Mr.xxx, Mr.xxx

Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building

Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:           Understand the given instructions

Dear All,

Understand the following and confirm

  1. Work will be executed from approved DM drawing and gridline reference from DM approved drawing.
  2. Do not allow to make change by sub-contractor if they change we need to go to consultant and explain him why the change is required and approval.
  3. Consultant with co-ordination between MEP and Civil for any opening/ sleeve that must be checked with offset of the gridline with comparison o MEP approved drawings and position as per MEP drawings.

For checking of PT slab follow the following:

  1. Slab height and beam height from gridline and level
  2. Beam steel and L at the end as per the consultant requirement that will be 10cm less than beam depth from bottom.
  3. After marking of the PT gridline the spacing to be marked on the plywood with constant point marking and spacing if not shown one meter center to center.
  4. Chair height to be written on plywood and cross check it, to be maintained by other engineers Alma and Romeo before fixing the chair.
  5. The standard note for the pan box, anchor and antiburst position with minimum 800 distances to be marked and approval drawing to be followed.
  6. The duct to be fixed on chair with crosses checking of chair height and spacing.
  7. The top bar and the bottom bar cover should not exceed and chair spacing to be reduced.
  8. The MEP piping should not be allowed without checking the rope, duct and chair the conduit should not disturb the duct and chair height.

Finally the thorough checking by 2 engineers together has to be done from one end to another end of slab without disturbing the zone and area.

Finally should be checked by me.

If you are not following the above points the engineer doesn’t have the right to claim salary.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C                                        Acknowledgment by: Romeo


xxx                                                                                                xxx

General Manager  

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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