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To release change directive issued by client as commented

pipes & fittings with valves

pipes & fittings with valves

Ref No.:CC/BMTS/02
To:xxx Technical Systems Co. ( LLC)
Project:2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building, Plot No. 373-1297 at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai
Subject:To release change directive issued by client as commented

Dear Sir,

With reference to above we would like to inform you that your variation order 54,55,62/R1 have been released by client as listed below

  1. Variation proposal for supply of Concealed Sprinkler and Extinguisher due to obstruction at wardrobe shutter opening

(Copy Attached : Pages 1 to 3)

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(Copy Attached : Pages 1 to 14)

This is for your kind information that change directive to confirm the scope change only as per document attached and confirmation of Change Directive.

Best Regards

For xxx Contracting LLC


Project Manager

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