M/s xxx Construction & Investment Co. L.L.C.
P.O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel: xxx
Fax: xxx
Attention : Mr. xxx
Operations – Operations
Project : (G+7F) xxx Apartment
Consultant : xxx Engineering Consultants
Subject : Site Meetings for Delays in Progress & Mitigation Measures
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your letter reference xxx dated 28th July xxx regarding the site meetings and alleged delay in progress & mitigation measures and we reject the contents of your letter due to the following reasons;
- We are attending all meetings; however, there are meetings where the location has been changed without informing us which caused us to unable to attend the said meeting.
- All our representatives are at site full time and ready for any necessary coordination.
Failure in attending the aforesaid meeting does not represent negligence, lack of cooperation and inadequate performance, Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors representative are at site full time coordinating with ASCON team.
We reject your statement that time and cost consequences to the project, including ASCON administration cost, overhead & attendances costs, idle manpower, machinery idle costs, preliminaries will be back charged to Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors, as this statement is outside of the norms and being a Main Contractor we believe that ASCON is aware of construction norms, moreover, on contracts administration and implementation.
This is for your information and necessary action.
Kind Regards,
For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC
Commercial Manager