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Serious matter for the GRP water tank leakages.

GRP water tank

GRP water tank

Ref: xxx

Date: xxx


P.O Box: xxx

Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx

Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City

Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd

Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant.

Subject: Serious matter for the GRP water tank leakages.

Dear Sir

With reference to the above mentioned subject, we would like to inform you that. Regarding the basement water tank, today we pour the water and that we came to know that there are water leakages in outlet point all around the pipe.

So, please send your workers at site tomorrow with materials and close the leakages immediately.

In this regards your cooperation is highly appreciated

For xxx Contracting LLC


General Manager

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