Date : 27th January xxx
Ref. : xxx/P1010/PM/2021/02
To : M/S. xxx Electromechanical Services LLC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: xxx
Email id:
Attention: Mr. xxx – Managing Partner
Project : Proposed Private G+1+R Villa on Plot No: xxx
At Al Barsha South First, Dubai-U.A.E. For Mr. xxx
Reference: xxx letter xxx/P1010/PM/2021/01 dated 19th January xxx
xxxletter PME/ANW/MCM/210101 dated 20th January xxx
Subject: Reply – Work in progress
Dear Sir,
This is further to above cited letters, we completely disagree with your letter as you state many events without substantiations, hence rejected by us.
Power Home never submitted a complete set of HVAC drawing. Due incomplete submission and poor quality of drawing, it got rejected multiple times by the consultant. However, several meetings had arranged with consultant to address shop drawing issue, but PowerHome failed repeatedly to comply with the Consultant comments.
Liaise with Main contractor’s subcontractor’s contractual obligation, instead of that MCM team has sent numerous follow up email (attached) to submit drawings and site work.
Your indication of the performance of MCM team is completely unacceptable and to divert attention from main issue and also cover up Powerhome in capability which explicitly visible in many aspects such as coordination, produce of shop drawing and site performance.
Powerhome had delivered unapproved rubber insulation and the same has removed from site after MCM instruction and consultant rejection. Powerhome should not remove materials from site if it is approved materials. Hence, we instruct to refrain from information manipulation.
We have asked for your work program to incorporate with program, you don’t need a main contractor program and the same has explained earlier.
All of Powerhome communication has responded by the MCM team, if Engr. Mohsin is not available you can coordinate with Engr Turab Ali and project manager Mr. Nazim.
Therefore, we reiterate our instruction to expedite the submission of the balance shop drawings and site work immediately. In failure of showing positive momentum or initiative within two days, MCM reserve its right to take action as per the agreement.
Thank You.
Yours Sincerely,
xxx LLC