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Regarding your variation Ref: RD-DXB-1253-14

Variation Order Request

Variation Order Request

Ref: xxx

Date: xxx


P.O Box: xxx

Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx

Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City

Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd

Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant.

Subject         : Regarding your variation Ref: RD-DXB-1253-14

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject and your quotation submitted for your variation for gas work as per latest approved drawing and we would like to inform you that your submitted quotation is based on lump sum price as you submitted that is not clear to justify and we need proper quantification as well as marking on the drawing for consultant review and verification.

So, we would like to inform you to provide the following s described below. 

  1. The item no: 4 third party charges for risk assessment. It was part and parcel of your previous agreement and you need to provide.
  2. The break up price for each and every each item/ activity
  3. Show the impact/comparisons from your previous submitted quotation and new variation to compare the additional quantity.

Thanking you

For xxx Contracting LLC


General Manager

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