Regarding your site inspection report on 09-07-2017 for LO (44)1990, Circular (159) 2007, Circular (132)2005, Circular (183) 2011.


Date: xxx
Ref No: CC/DT/DM/16

The Dubai Municipality
Building Control Section
Dubai, UAE

Project           : 2B+G+14+LR Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx, Al Barsha, Dubai

Sub              : Regarding your construction site inspection report on 09-07-2017 for LO (44)1990, Circular (159) 2007, Circular (132)2005, Circular (183) 2011.

Dear Sir,

As per your site visit and inspection on 09-07-2017 for products covered by DM regulations LO (44)1990, Circular (159) 2007, Circular (132)2005, Circular (183) 2011, we approved to your supply and these materials produced by Knauf insulation approved by DCL for Gypsemna company and their confirmation attached here with.

  1. Confirmation from Knauf that they are producing the insulation for Gypsemna.
  2. Certificate of product conformity.
  3. Dubai central laboratory department DCL product conformity         certification scheme.
  4. Dubai central laboratory department DCL product conformity         certification scheme.
  5. Construction site inspection report.

For xxx Contracting

Project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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