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Regarding the Variation Submitted for 14th floor Ref No. xxx

Engineering Submittals

Engineering Submittals

Date: xxx

Ref: xxx

To                    : M/s. xxx Interiors

Project             : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

SUBJECT              :  Regarding the Variation Submitted for 14th floor Ref No. MS/T5/988&989/17

Dear  Mr.Titto, Mr. Hamza

With reference to your letter Ref No. MS/T5/988&989/17 dated on 28.04.2018 we would like to inform that in your variation for 14th floor you did not provide the following.

  1. As approved and revised drawing from your record with highlight the affected area with change.
  2. Your Quantity breakup not attached, because you have written the quantity with supporting calculation/abstract
  3. Variation for Ground floor you didn’t submit any supporting document like that source of variation/instructed

So we can unable to submit the variation due to incomplete submission


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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