Re: Dewatering Works Delay Penalty

Reply - Notice of Delay
Reply - Notice of Delay

REF. No.: xxx/1016/SS-DOC/2022/03

Date: 1 November xxx


P.O. Box: xxx, Ras Al Khor, Dubai, UAE

Project:Proposed Residential Villa (B+G+1+R) on Plat No. xxx, Palm Jumeirah– Dubai, UAE

Client:Mr. xxx

Subject: Re: Dewatering Works Delay Penalty

Dear Mr. xxx,

This is further to your letter ref. xxx/LR/JJ/J-8218-03/2022 dated 1st November xxx, xxx stands for the following points:

1. Failure to proceed with the Site work due to xxx not being able to control the water.

2. Till date NDW is refusing to move the pumps that causing further delays.

3. All the payments have been made on time.

4. Variations are not been approved by the Client or formally written by the Consultant or Client.

“As per the Subcontractor Agreement item 1, B). Notes on Scope of Work under Article (1) scope of works which clearly states that “The Entire Scope of works Specification, Material approval, extension of time, BOQ, Variations & Payments is subject to approval & certification by the Consultant & Client (Back-to-Back basis).”

5. Non-payment can call under defamation clause.

“Pursuant to penalty clause in Subcontract Agreement Item F) under Article (1) Scope of work, xxx reserve its right to impose delay penalty and liquidity damage of AED 560375.00 (AE Dirhams Five Hundred Sixty Thousand and Three Hundred Seventy-Five) as per the given breakdown.”

This is for your information and records.

Yours Sincerely,           


By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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