RE- Compliance to Consultant issued snagging comments for first floor

Commercial proposal
Commercial proposal

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting Company LLC

                               P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Senior Project Manager

Project                 : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject                 : RE- Compliance to Consultant issued snagging comments for first floor

References         : a) xxx dated 29 September xxxx

  b) xxx dated 11 March xxxx

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter ref: xxx dated 22 May xxxx regarding the compliance to Consultant snagging comments for first floor and we would like to note the following:

First, we must note that you are requesting M/s xxx (Contractor Name) to take the corrective actions by 25 May xxxx while the Consultant comments are dated 11 May xxxx but issued to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) after 12 days via your letter on 23 May xxxx. This delay in communicating the comments and leaving to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) only 2 days to take the necessary actions is not appropriate.

Second, some of the Consultant comments are related to items/works not within the scope of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) such as shaver sockets, shelves, lights and MEP services and should be responded and closed by the relevant parties.

Third, some comments are a result of damages/loss of materials due to the work of others inside the pods such as false ceiling paint damage, access panel corner cracks, missing shattaf, flexible hose, valve & head, damage of mirror edge.  In this regard, while M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will support in attending these abortive works and replace the lost and damaged items once arranged by the Main Contractor for level 1, it must be noted that in the subsequent levels such abortive works will be solely the responsibility of the Main Contractor.

Fourth, the comments related to the free issue item “tiles” such as lipping and pattern variant are replied earlier in our correspondences referenced above. With the quality of tiles supplied to M/s xxx (Contractor Name), the lipping is unavoidable and the shower area feature wall tile was received in a single pattern and M/s xxx (Contractor Name) has maintained randomness by rotating this tile when possible taking into consideration all other installation concerns.

On the other hand, we remind you that we have no tiles at all since March xxxx and without the tiles availability, it is impossible to attend any comment related to tiles cracked and broken. Once the tiles are delivered to M/s xxx (Contractor Name), we will then proceed with the replacement.

Fifth, regarding the vanity edges, all the pods in level 1 are changed from pencil edge to chamfer as per the Engineer change instructions received earlier in comments on the WIRs.

The current Engineer comment that the edges are not matching the drawings is not acceptable as it is contradicting with his previous comments on WIRs.

The sets are changed from pencil to chamfer following only the Engineer’s comments and edges cannot be altered back to pencil edge anymore.

If the Engineer insist on having the edges again as per the drawings then the entire sets in levels 1, 2, 3, 19 &20 must be changed which will have a huge impact in terms of time & cost that M/s xxx (Contractor Name) cannot be responsible for and will be attributed to the Main Contractor.

Accordingly we urge you to discuss with the Engineer and to finalize his decision concerning the edge of marble finishing whether it is required to be pencil edge or chamfered.

In the end, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) attended the comments that are relevant to our scope but those related to others or to defects and bad quality of Free Issue Items must be closed by the Main Contractor.

Kindly refer to the Appendix A for the compliance sheet to all the received Consultant comments.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) LLC


Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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