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Project baseline programme and additional duration for variation works & testing and Commissioning

Critical Path

Critical Path

Ref:       MCM/1021/A&B/2022/03

Date:     xxx, xx

To:         xxx Consulting  Architects  &  Engineers                                                             

PO Box No.: xxx

Dubai, UAE

Phone: xxx                                                                          

Project: Proposed Warehouses, on Plot No. xxx at Al Khabaisi, Dubai, UAE.

Client:  xxx

Subject: Project baseline programme and additional duration for variation works & testing and Commissioning.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above-mentioned subject, the project  commencement date is 21th February xxx and completion date is 21th January xxx as project duration is 11 months which includes 3 months for design & authority approval and 8 months for construction.

Please note, to prepare a realistic project details baseline programme, we have considered 2 months for shoring & soil improvement works which includes concerned authorities’ approval. This duration may increase more depending upon concerned authority approval

Furthermore, pursuant to signed agreement MCM scope is completion of construction works, which is set to be completed by 21st March xxx. However, we have incorporated another 50 days into baseline progamme for testing, commissioning, authority’s final inspection and approval to establish project final completion date.

This is for your information and record.

Yours Sincerely,           

xxx Building Contracting LLC

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