Payment Status

advance payment
advance payment

M/s xxx Pojects Co.

P.O. Box xxx, Riyadh, K.S.A

Tel : xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention:       Mr. xxx

                        Chief Executive Officer

Cc:                  Eng. xxx

                        Sr. Project Engineer

                        Eng. xxx

                        Project Manager

Project:          xxx Project -KSA      

Subject:           Payment Status

Dear Sir,

We refer to our works for Movenpick Project and to several meetings and exchanges of emails where we have agreed that our claim for 5% retention on the original contract shall be released, however, as per the weekly meeting on July 14, 2015, Manafea informed Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors that the 5% retention being claimed will not be released until the completion of the additional works which is contrary to what was previously agreed.

Please be informed that our claim for the 5% retention has been submitted on 24th May 2015 in which has been subsequently approved on 27th May 2015 by Mr. Mark Davies of Hill International and Mr. Ashraf Naguib of Manafea, and this approved retention should not be held against the progress of the newly requested and approved additional works as the original retention amount are not related to the newly requested and approved works.

Furthermore, please be informed that the pending works to date are only the following;

Original Scope of Works:

  • 2 nos. waiter station for the French Restaurant which we are waiting for Movenpick reply
  • 30 sets pull handle and push plates
  • 20 pcs pull handle hook for the back of the chairs in the rooms
  • 1 pc SS movable luggage rack
  • 4 nos round end table to arm chair 500mm diameter
  • 1 no rectangular desk
  • French Restaurant Carpet will be ordered soon
  • Pantry rectification works in levels 2 & 1 for South Tower
  • 65 pcs gold leaf fretwork, only levels 2 and 1 need installation
  • Repairing the damaged chairs 6 nos. and sofa 4 nos. in public area and 4 chairs in the rooms

Additional Works:

  • Meeting Room replacement of damaged carpet (cancelled by Movenpick)
  • 28 nos. Artworks in several locations
  • South Tower Corridor wooden box, only levels 2 & 1 need installation

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, we request Manafea to release the 5% retention claim which has been approved, for us to be able to sustain and complete the additional works, as Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors LLC has already suffered losses to the original scope of works due to the prolongation of the program completion of the project which is out of our control.

In the event that the approved payment claim will not be released, Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors will not be in a position to continue with the pending works, as it will be difficult for us to sustain all the expenses for these works, and we will start to pull out from the site starting on 10th August 2015. Rest assured that Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors will be responsible for the original contract and we are always ready and available to carry out any maintenance works required.

We look forward to your positive and favorable assistance in this regard.

This is for your information and necessary action

Best Regards,

For: Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors L.L.C.


Commercial Manager             

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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