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Our observation for our incomplete work and intimation for any penalty levied by authority / other stakeholder

Dubai Civil Defense Inspection

Dubai Civil Defense Inspection

Ref No.:CC/BMTS/04
To, xxx Technical Systems Co. ( LLC) Tel : +971 42699051    Fax : +971 42699052
Project:2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building, Plot No. 373-1297 at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai
Subject:Regarding our observation for our incomplete work and intimation for any penalty levied by authority / other stakeholder

Dear Mr.Vijay and Mr.Anthony,

We refer to our several meetings held among clients, us and yourselves wherein you have agreed to complete all pending work before scheduled inspection by Civil Defense on 25.06.2018.

However we have noticed that many items has not been completed by you to date for which we will mail you the list very shortly. We advise you to ensure completion of the balance work prior by 27.06.2018 to avoid any penalty from authority for which we shall hold you responsible.

Furthermore all financial losses if any to our organization due to failure from your end, The BMTS will be responsible and claim born by BMTS.

Best Regards

For xxx Contracting LLC


Project Manager

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