Notice of Completion & Taking-Over

Handing over Materials at Site
Handing over Materials at Site

Our Ref: xxx

8 February xxx


(Company address)

Attention to:  Mr. xxx (Employer’s Representative)

Program:         Program xxx xxxl Hotel

Project:            xxx

 Subject:           Notice of Completion & Taking-Over

Dear Sir,

In reference to the Contract ( entered between (i) The xxx Real Estate Company (the “Employer”): and (ii) xxx  (the “Contractor”) in respect of the Construction of the xxx Works (“Works”) for the xxx Hotel  at the xxx Project.

In accordance with Clause 7.1.1 (Completion & Taking-Over), the Contractor would like to notify you that the Works are completed.

Also, we would like to inform you that all applicable handing over requirement are submitted as detailed below:

a-   Operation & Maintenance Manual is submitted and under review. (appendix 1)

b-  Draft warranties are submitted and under review (appendix 2). Original warranties will be arranged and issued to the Employer once the draft warranties are approved and the Taking Over Certificate is issued to the Contractor.

c-   As-built drawings are approved. As-built BIM models are being prepared to be submitted in accordance with the approval received on as-built drawings.

d- Attic stock materials are arranged and available at the Contractor’s factory waiting confirmation from the Employer to deliver it to site along with confirmation on the authorized receiving person.

Based on the above, the Contractor request the Employer to issue the Taking Over Certificate considering the outstanding Works are beyond the Contractor’s control.

The Contractor reserves all its rights under the Contract and at Law.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx


Contractor’s Representative

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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