Method Statement for Block Works for Building


Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  • Scope of Work
  • Definitions
  • References
  • Materials
  • Plant  & Equipment
  • Safety
  • Prior Activities
  • Procedure
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Attachments


1.0       Purpose

  1. To ensure that all block works activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance / control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are inspected and conformance is verified and documented.

2.0       Scope Of  Work

  • This procedure is applicable to the following works associated with the project titled, New 2k Runway
  • Main Runway Works”- contract number NRTW-1008-CN
  • Block works for building associated with the main runway works

3.0       Definitions

  • CM                  Construction Manager
    • SE                   Site Engineer
    • CS                   Chief Surveyor
    •  ME                 Material Engineer
    • ESHO              Environmental, Safety, and Heath Officer     
    • AHA                 Activity Hazard Analysis
    • JHA                 Job Hazard Analysis
  • References

4.1    Drawings                     Vol 2- Section 8 – Part D Architectural & Structural

4.2    Bill of Quantities          Bills 8,12,13,14,15,16

  • Materials
  • Black cement
  • Black Sand
  • Water
  • Dune Sand
  • Hollow Blocks 150x400x200 mm
  • Solid Blocks 100x400x200 mm
  • Hollow Blocks 200x400x200 mm
  • 50mm thick cavity insulation
  • Wall ties
  • Polysulphide Sealant
  • Plant & Equipment

·        Steel Trowel

  • Threads
  • Separate Level
  • Hammer
  • Grinder Cutter
  • Aluminium Tube 3m length
  • Electrical Drill Machine
  • Backet
  • Manual Shovel
  • Personal Protective equipment
  • Scaffolding

7.0       Safety

  • Prior to the commencement of any activities, the workforce will receive an induction talk on the project site safety requirements. The Job Hazard Analysis related to this activity is attached to this method statement. This induction talk will include both the JHA issues, as well as general safety requirements.
    • The necessary safety measures will be taken to prevent accident or injury at all times. This may include barriers, warning tape/net, signage, watchman, Flashing and Rotating lights at night.
  • Where work upon existing services may be required, the necessary work permits and safety equipment should be obtained prior to the activity commencement.
  • ES&H will ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is worn by site personnel at all times during construction activities.
  • Heat Stress Training will be provided.
  • Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade, and salt tablets will be in place.
  • Plant & Equipment will be provided with back-up alarms, lights, and all other applicable safety devices.
  • For AOA work, safety requirements as defined in Project Specification, Section 107, will be implemented. Specific safety training will be provided to personnel for AOA work.

8.0       Prior Activities

  • Approved method statement for blocks works
    • Approved shop drawings for architect drawings
  • Procedure

   9.1  For double cavity wall:

   9.1.1 Cleaning very well for the working area.

   9.1.2 Cement sand mix to be ready for use as much as needed, and block to be wet  prior the starting of the work.

9.1.3 Place line between two columns by erect thread along to the outer face of column, and first course to be completed for all the area of work and checked by the consultant.

9.1.4 First course to be solid block.

9.1.5 Place cement sand mix along the thread and start erect the hollow blocks 150mm thickness, alignment and vertically to be controlled by using 3m length aluminum tube and separate level.

9.1.6 Angle wall tie to be erected every alternative course at the connection between columns and block wall. Block work to be stopped at fifth course with maximum height 1m per day.

9.1.7 Fixing the 50mm thick heat insulation board up to the fifth course.

9.1.8 Erection of 100mm solid block to be start from internal side to cover the insulation board by following the same procedure.

9.1.9 Vertical and horizontal blocks joint shall be properly filled with mortar and cleaned.

9.1.10 Block work shall be cured for conditions 3 days.

9.2 Procedure for single block wall:

9.2.1 Cleaning very well for the working area.

9.2.2 Cement sand mix to be ready for use only as much as needed and block to be wet prior the starting of the work.

9.2.3 Place line between two columns by erect thread along to the outer face of column, and first course to be completed for all the area of work and checked by the consultant.

9.2.4 First course to be solid block.

9.2.5 Place cement sand mix along the thread and start erect the hollow blocks 200mm thickness, alignment and vertically to be controlled by using 3m length aluminum tube and separate level.

9.2.6 Angle wall tie to be erected every alternative course at the connection between columns and block wall. Block work to be stopped at fifth course with maximum height 1m per day.

9.2.7 Vertical and horizontal blocks joint shall be properly filled with mortar and cleaned.

9.2.8 Block work shall be cured for conditions 3 days.

10.0   Responsibilities

  1. The CM will coordinate with SE to ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved Method Statement and the JHA have been allocated to the task.
  1. The SE will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted according to the approved Method Statement, JHA and AHA. The SE will also ensure that all in-situ test, as required by the ITP are implemented.
  1. The ME will ensure that the materials being used are in accordance to the Project Specifications, the approved Material Submittals.
  1. It is the site supervisor’s responsibility to organize the work in a safe manner to ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized. He must also ensure that the AHA and JHA are implemented and the approved Method Statement procedure is followed and the ITP is applied.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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