

  1. Open an approved shop drawings. This shop drawing consist of approved toilet details and floor plans.
  2. Assemble plumbing fixtures and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instructions, approved shop drawings, and referenced standards.
    For Water Closet:
    Secure approved material inspection request (MIR) for the WC.
    Recheck the item for any damage and cracks upon delivery to the toilet.
    Recheck the complete accessories of WC based on the manual.
    Assemble water closet and trim, fittings, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instruction.
    Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing. Install the WC level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
    Set the closet bowl leveled at 90º between the floor and wall at the centerline of the WC outlet. WC outlet should be placed as much as possible at the centerline of the waiting pipe for its drain. The floor and the wall shall have a flat mounting surfaces for at least five (5) inches (127mm) to the right and left of the fixture outlet centerline.
    The water closet shall be secured to floor by corrosion-resistant screws and bolts. The closet flange shall be secured to a firm base.
    Seal joints between water closet and floor using sanitary-type, mildew resistant, sealant according to sealing requirements. Match sealant color to fixture color.
    Install toilet seats on water closets.
    Install accessories of the water closet for water connections (i.e. 30cm long flexible hose connection between WC flush tank supply entry and angle valve). Stop valve or angle valve fittings should be same to the flexible hose fitting size. Apply Teflon tape to threads in reverse direction of tight. Do not over-tight the connection.
    For Counter-top Lavatory:
    Secure approved material inspection request (MIR) for the counter-top lavatory.
    Recheck the complete accessories of counter-top lavatory based on the manual.
    Recheck item for any damage and cracks upon delivery to the toilet.
    Assemble the fixture and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instruction.
    Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing. Install the fixture then, level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
    Install and fasten the bowl to casework. Secure all accessories and trims of unit are complete. Check all parts or items free from damage and the size of bowl is suited to the counter hole. Place the bowl to the hole then plumb, level and fixed. Set the lavatory bowl leveled at 180º against the support counter. Seal joints between the bowl and counter using sanitary- type water resistant silicon sealant according to sealing requirements. Match sealant color to fixture color.
    Install accessories of the counter-top lavatory, water connections and drain waste connections for its normal operation. Secure all accessories and trims of unit are complete. Connect the flexible hose of the mixer to the angle valves for both hot and cold water. Apply Teflon Tape to threaded fittings in reverse direction of the tight. Install the trap on lavatory outlet and connect to the waiting pipes for its drain. Secure that the trap to be used is approved and has escutcheon. Recheck the joints and tightness for all connections.
    Check the level and rigidity of the lavatory.
    For Pedestal-type Lavatory:
    Secure approved material inspection request for pedestal-type lavatory.
    Recheck the item for any damage and cracks upon delivery to the toilet.
    Recheck the complete accessories of pedestal-type lavatory based on the manual.
    Assemble the fixture and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instructions.
    Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing. Install the fixture then level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
    Install and fasten pedestal support of the bowl.
    Set the lavatory bowl leveled 90º between the pedestal and wall at the centerline of the lavatory.
    Fix the bowl against the wall using non-corrosive screws or bolts. Maintain the level of the unit against the wall and support upon installation.
    Seal joints between lavatory and wall, lavatory and support, and finally support and floor using sanitary-type water resistant silicon sealant according to sealing requirements. Match sealant color to fixture color.
    Install accessories of the lavatory including its mixer, water connections and drained waste connection Install the mixer and its accessories to the lavatory. Connect the flexible hose of the mixer to the angle valves for both hot and cold water. Apply Teflon tape to threaded fittings in reverse direction of the tight. Do not over-tight the fittings. Install the trap on the lavatory outlet and connect to the waiting pipes for its drain. Secure that the trap to be used is approved and has escutcheon. Recheck the joints and tightness for all connection.
For Bidet
Secure approved material inspection request for bidet.
Recheck the item for any damage and cracks upon delivery to the toilet.
Recheck the complete accessories of bidet based on the manual.
Assemble the fixture and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instruction.
Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing. Install the bidet level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
Set the bidet bowl leveled at 90º between the floor and wall at the centerline of the bidet outlet. Bidet outlet should be on the same center of the waiting trap.
Install the bidet level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
The bidet shall be secured to the floor by corrosion resistant screws and bolts. The bidet flange shall be secured to a firm base.
Seal joints between bidet and floors using sanitary-type water resistant, silicon sealant according to sealing requirements. Match the sealant color to fixture color.
Install accessories of bidet mixer and water connections. Connect the flexible hose of the mixer to the angle valves for both hot and cold water. Apply Teflon tape to threaded fittings in reverse direction of the tight. Recheck the joints and tightness for all connections.
For Bathtub:
Secure approved material inspection request for bathtub.
Recheck the item for any damage, cracks, and dents upon delivery to the toilet. Replace as if necessary.
Recheck the complete accessories of bathtub based on the manual.
Assemble the fixture and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according to manufacturers’ written instructions.
Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing including point if discharge to the trap. Install the bathtub then level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
Set the bathtub in leveling bed of cement grout. Check from approved shop drawing the required level of bathtub. Also set the bathtub leveled at 90º between the floor and the wall at the centerline of the fixture outlet. Bathtub outlet should be on the same center of the waiting trap.
Recheck the alignment.
Install the accessories of bathtub and water connections for proper operation. Connect the mixer to the angle valves for both hot and cold water. Apply Teflon tape to threaded fittings in reverse direction of the tight. Do not over-tight. Recheck the joints and tightness of all connections.
For Shower Tray:
Secure approved material request for shower tray.
Recheck the item for any damage, cracks, and dents upon delivery to the toilet. Replace as if necessary.
Recheck the complete accessories of shower tray based on the manual.
Assemble the fixture and trim, fittings, faucets, and other components according the manufacturer written instruction.
Locate the position of the fixture based on the approved shop drawing including point of discharge to the trap.
Install the shower tray then level and plumb according to manufacturers’ written instructions and referenced standards.
Set shower tray in leveling bed of cement grout. Check from approved shop drawing the required level of shower tray. Also set the shower tray leveled at 90º between floor and wall at the centerline of the fixture outlet. Shower tray receptor outlet should be on the same center of the waiting trap.
Recheck the alignment.
Install the accessories of shower tray and water connections for proper operation. Recheck Connect the mixer to the angle valves for both hot and cold water. Apply Teflon tape to threaded fittings in reverse direction of the tight. Recheck the joints and tightness of all connections.

  1. Verify that the installed fixtures are categories and types specified for locations where installed. See approved shop drawing.
  2. Check that fixtures are complete with trim, faucets, fittings and specified components. See fixture manual.
  3. Test installed fixtures after water system are pressurized and demonstrate proper operation. Replace malfunctioning fixtures and components then retest.
  4. If pretest is OK, prepare work inspection request.
  5. Final test the fixtures installed with the presence of Inspection Engineer.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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