

Summary:   This Method of Statement applies to the following;

  1. Marble Flooring
  2. Marble Stair Treads and Risers
  3. Marble Bases
  4. Marble Threshold
  5. Materials for Application;
  6. Marble Flooring, Locally Made (Trans. # C-0063)
  7. Marble Flooring Sylvia Light (Trans. # C-0063Rev.1)
  8. Marble Flooring Sylvia Medium Light (Trans. # C-0063Rev.1)
  9. Marble Flooring Sylvia Medium (Trans. # C-0063Rev.1)
  10. Stair marble Sylvia Light (Trans. # C-0063Rev.1)
  11. Sand bed
  12. Sand Cement Mortar Mix, 1:3-4 by volume
  13. SBR


  1. Sand beds under floor tiles spread and compact it manually to obtain uniform depth and distribution. Remove stones and foreign materials. Lightly rinse with water.
  2. Clean stone surfaces that have been become dirty or stained by removing soil, stains and foreign materials before setting. Clean stone thoroughly by scrubbing with fiber brushes and then drenching with clean water.
  3. Examine concrete surfaces of stairs, floorings, base, and threshold for compliance with the requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of stone finish of stairs. Proceed to installation if satisfactory conditions have been achieved.


    1.   For position shown in plan for edges of steps, changes in color or

          finish and continuous joint lines, not to exceed 3 mm in 2400 mm,

          6 mm in 6 m or 10 mm maximum.      

  • Do not exceed 3 mm in 3 m, 6 mm in 6 m or 10 mm maximum

From level or slope indicated for surface plane flooring.

  • Joint thickness shall not vary more than 1.5 mm or one fourth of

The nominal joint whichever is less.

  • Between planes and adjacent units it shall not exceed 0.8 mm.


1.  General

a.)   Execute flooring installation by skilled fixers and do necessary cutting

       at the site.

b.)   Produce lines cut straight and true, with edges eased slightly to prevent

       stripping. Use power saws.

c.)   Set stone to comply with drawings and shop drawings. Match for color

       and pattern by using units numbered in sequences as indicated.

d.)   Produce lines cut straight and true, with edges eased slightly to 


e.)    Produce lines cut straight and true, with edges eased slightly to 

        standard specification referred for installation of stone paving and


 f.)   Locate and install expansion joints according to requirements of

        standard specification referred for installation of stone paving and


  2.   Flooring

  a.)  Marble flooring shall be set with thick wet mortar bedding on sand

         bedding with a thickness of 25-30 mm.

  • Each stone shall be carefully set into a level and line required and shall

Be beaten along full surface area to ensure firm setting and full contact between mortar and back surface of the stone.

  c.)  Tamp and beat stone with wooden block or rubber mallet to obtain full

         contact with the setting bed and bring finished surfaces within


   3. Treads

   a.)  Saturate with clean water several hours before placing setting bed.     

          Remove surface water one hour before placing setting bed.

    b.)  Apply cement paste slush coat over surface of concrete about 15

           minutes before setting placing setting bed. Limit area of slush coat

           to avoid drying out before placing setting bed, the slush coat

           cement paste shall not exceed 1.5 mm.

    c.)   Apply mortar setting bed over cement-paste slush coat immediately

           after slush coat has been applied. Spread and screed setting bed to

           uniform thickness at sub grade elevations required for accurate

           setting of stone to finish grade as indicated.

    d.)  Place stone before initial set of cement occurs. Do not install one tread

           until riser of the preceding step has been set and mortar bedding

           suitable hardened.

     e.)  Tamp and beat stone with a wooden block or rubber mallet to obtain

           full contact with setting bed and to bring finished surfaces within


     f.)  Set each unit in a single operation before initial set of mortar, do not

           return to the areas already set and disturbed stone for purposes of

           realigning finished surfaces or adjusting joints. Finish stair tread

           perfectly plumbed as to lines indicated.

     g.)  Tool joints flat, uniform and smooth without visible voids.

  • Risers

     a.)   Set risers to line proceeding tread, provide top level edge and 25 mm

       clearance between back of riser and face of concrete step riser.

b.)   Fix temporarily in place with gypsum dots and fill back clearance

             with cement and sand grout mixed with sufficient water to obtain

        pourable consistency. The ratio of cement to sand must be 400 kg of

        ordinary Portland cement to 1 m3 sand.

      5. Bases

      a.)  Bed marble bases in thick mortar approximately 10 mm thick and

            install directly to masonry wall coated with plaster dash coat.

      b.)  Refer to the plans for the details on indicated drawings.

      c.)  The exterior and interior corners must be mitered at 45º.

      d.)  Grout joints, including joints with flooring with the same pointing  

             mortar used in floors.

       6.  Threshold

       a.)  At locations adjacent to stone flooring, install stone threshold in

              same type of setting bed as abutting stone flooring.

       b.)  Set threshold in thin set, latex-Portland cement mortar at locations

              where mortar bed would otherwise  be exposed above other

              adjacent flooring.

       c.)  At locations not adjacent to stone flooring, cut back and discard

              any setting bed material from the other finish side and leave

              mortar surface uniform with surface of threshold.

        7.  Adjusting,  Cleaning and Protection

        a.)  Remove and replace marbles which are broken, damaged, stained,

              defective joints, stone paving and flooring not complying with other

              requirements indicated.

        b.)  Apply sealer to cleaned stone flooring according to sealer

               manufacturer’s written instruction.          c.)   Prohibit traffic from the installed stone for at least 72 hours

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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