Tile Grout
Tile Grout


Summary:   This Method of Statement includes the following:

  1. Unglazed Ceramic Tiles, Transmittal # A-0098 Rev.3
  2. Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles, Transmittal # A-0098 Rev.3
  3. Grout: Jitotile Grout, Transmittal # C-0279Rev.2

CEMTEC Tile Grout, Transmittal # C-0279Rev.4

SAVETO Grout for Tiles, Transmittal # C-0279Rev.1

  • Tile Adhesive/Glue, for approval

Related Discipline:

  1. Cold applied Water Proofing, separate Method of Statement.
  2. Plastering, separate Method of Statement


  1. The area to be applied should be free from any loose materials such as dirts, mortar, etc. Walls are roughened during plastering to ensure bond between tiles and walls.
  2. Oils and Grease should be avoided so that proper bonding will be achieved.
  3. The area to be applied with adhesive/glue shall be with reference to the lines and grades and shall be plumbed/level.
  4. Lightly rinse with water prior to setting tiles.
  5. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surface.
  6. Fit tile to electrical fixtures, outlet and other penetration as shown in the shop drawings.
  7. Soak ceramic tiles in water 1 hour prior to setting.

Tile Installation:

  1. Obtain centerline for both axis with reference to the building geometry.
  2. Start installation of tiles in one direction along the centerline.
  3. Tiles are to be set with tile adhesive/glue thoroughly (at its back) each tile is to be beaten to ensure bond. The tile adhesive must be sufficiently set and tiles severely bonded.
  4. Install tiles with a 3mm plastic spacer at each corner so that lines for both axis shall remain straight and at right angle with each other.
  5. Wall tiles are to be installed over floor tiles. Install wall tiles in one course and verify joints if it correlate with the approve lay-out.


  1. Clean joint to ensure that the thickness of tile is clear and free from foreign material. It must be clean free of contamination such as dust, deteriorated concrete, oil and grease, etc.
  2. Add 5 kg of Jitotile grout to 1.80 liter of water and mix until a thick creamy paste is produced; allow to stand for 10 minutes.
  3. Apply Jitotile grout to the joint spaces between tiles using a sponge or soft cloth. Work the mixture into the joint grouting the ceramic tile thickness and around the edge.
  4. For CEMTEC grout, mix the powder with water to a thick consistency, no further water should be added.
  5. Spread the mixed grout over the surface of the tile with a squeegee, working it fully into the joints.
  6. Remove surplus from the face of the tiles with dry cloth and run the tip on a glove finger or a rounded piece of wood along grouting.
  7. When the grout is dry, clean the tiles with damp sponge.

Cleaning and Protection:

  1. Upon completion of placement of grout, clean all ceramic tile surfaces. Remove cement grout residue from tile as soon as possible.
  2. Leave finished installed tiles clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken and other defective tiles.

Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from tiles floor for at least 7 days after grouting is completed.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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