LPG System method statement

LPG System method statement
LPG System method statement

Terms and Definitions
Client Supreme Committed for Delivery & Legacy
Contractor/Company DOMOPAN & INTEGRAL (JV) – The party, which has entered into
contract with Client for the execution of activities as mentioned in a
written agreement.
Engineer Supervision Engineer Consultant or his appointed representative
“Shall” Means a term which indicates that a provision is an absolute
requirement to be followed strictly in order to conform to this
“Should” Means a term which indicates a provision is recommended.
Supplier / Vendor The party which entered into agreement with Client or contractor for
manufacturing, fabricating or supplying and any items for delivery to
Client or Contractor.
Third Party
An independent party, which entered into agreement with Client or
contractor for ensuring that all activities are undertaken in
accordance with the requirements.
Imported Material Suitable material obtained from outside of the site
Hold Point Are mandatory notified verification points identified in the ITP
beyond which work may not proceed until verification and
acceptance has taken place by the relevant party. (QCS 2014 Section
2 Clause
Witness Point Are notified verification points identified in the ITP where work may
proceed with or without verification and acceptance by the relevant
party. (QCS 2014 Section 2 Clause
Surveillance Point Are verification points identified in the ITP attended on random
basis where work may proceed with or without verification and
acceptance by the relevant party. (QCS 2014 Section 2 Clause
Record Review Point Are verification points identified in the ITP to review any result of
inspections or test reports to ensure it conforms to specified
requirements. (QCS 2014 Section 2 Clause1.1.3.16)
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Approval sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………….……2
Acronyms and abbreviations…………………………………………………………………….….……3
Terms and definitions…………………………………………………………………………….……….…4
1 Introduction………………………………………………………………….…………….…….….……7
1.1 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………………………7
1.2 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
1.3 Required Permits ……………………………………………………………………………………….7
2 References……………………….………………………………………………………….…………..…7
2.1 Works Zone Traffic Management Plan (with New Road connected to Corniche)
2.2 Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan (SC‐DPP‐MDP‐PSL‐PLN‐HS‐00001)
2.3 DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) Standard Procedure
2.4 Approved Material Submittals
2.5 Approved Shop Drawings
2.6 Approved Inspection Test Plan ITP
2.7 Project Specifications
2.8 QCS 2014 Section 21 – Part 17
2.9 NFPA 54,58
2.10 Woqood Requirements
2.11 Project Quality Plan
2.12 Fire Safety Standards issued by the Civil Defense Department (QCDD) – Ministry
of the Interior, Qatar
2.13 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes as applicable
3 Responsibilities………………………………………….……………………………….………..….…8
3.1 Senior Construction Manager………………………………………………………………..……………8
3.2 Construction Manager……………………………………………………………………..…….…….…….8
3.3 Site Engineer…………………………………………………………………………………………….………..8
3.4 Surveyor……..…………………………………………………………………………………………..……….…9
3.5 Site Supervisor / Foreman………………………………………………………………………..…………9
3.6 Health & Safety Manager…………………………………………………………………………..……….9
3.7 Health & Safety Engineer/Officer………………………………………………………………..………9
3.8 MEP Manager…………………………………………………..……………………………………….……..10
3.9 MEP Engineer………………………………..……………..…………………………………………..……..10
3.10 QA/QC Manger…………………………………………………………………………………………..…..10
3.11 QA/QC Engineer / Inspector……………………………………..…………………………………….10
3.12 Skilled labor………………………………………………………………………………………….…………11
3.13 Un‐Skilled labor………………….………………………………………………………………..…….……11
3.14 Operator…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….11
3.15 Flagman…………………………………………………………………………………………..………..……11
3.16 Driver………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..…….12
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4 Resources (Manpower Tools and Equipment)….. ……..……………………..……….12
4.1 Materials…………………………………………………………………………………………….……….……12
4.2 Plant Tools and Equipment………………………………………………………………….…..……….12
4.3 Manpower………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…….……13
5 Health, Safety, Environmental Provisions………………………………….………………13
5.1 Health and Safety …………………………………………………………………………………….13
5.2 Environmental…………………………………..………………………………………………………………17
6 Procedure & Methodology of Work………………………………………………….………18
6.1 Material Handling…..…………………………………………………………………………………….….18
6.2 Material Storage and Inspection……………………………………………………………………….18
6.3 Site Planning and Preparation…………………………………………………………………………..18
6.4 Work Sequence and methodology….…………………………..……………………………………19
6.5 Installation Procedure For LPG System………………………………………………………..……19
6.6 Valve Regulator…………………………………………………………………..……………………………21
6.7 Installation of aboveground and Underground Pipe Network…………………………..23
6.8 Installation of Underground HDPE Pipe……….…………………………….……………..…..…25
6.9 Pipe Leak Test/Pressure test Description….………………………………………………………26
6.10 Electrical and Instruments Installation……………………………….…………………….…….27
6.11 Quality Control and Records……………………..………………..………………………..…..……31
7 Forms & Attachments ……………………………………………………………….……………..27
Document Number Title
Attachment 1 Inspection and Test Plan – Installation of LPG
Attachment 2 Inspection Request Format
Attachment 3 Risk Assessment – Installation of LPG system
Attachment 4 Environmental Risk Register– Installation of LPG
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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Method Statement is to describe sequence of works involved in the
installation of LPG system in “Doha Port Re-Development Project- Combines Mina District &
Seawater Diving Pool Package” Project located at Doha. The works are based on project
specification and specific scope of works undertaken under the contractual obligations of the
This Method Statement will be followed and implemented by DOMOPAN /
STRUCTURE/UNIGAZ construction team.
1.2 Scope
The Scope covers the LPG system installation and hydrostatic testing activities involved in the
Installation & Hydrostatic Testing of LPG as per the Project Technical Specification. This
procedure is to fully define the installation and testing method and to ensure that the system
shall be installed and tested as per the contract documents.
Equipment piping, fitting and accessories will be installed as per WOQOD/QCDD standards &
as per approved drawing. The installation will be inspected and approved by a consultant –
“Doha Port Redevelopment Project – Combined Mina District & Seawater Diving Pool”, as
specified in the project specifications and drawings.
1.3 Required Permits
Before commencement of any works related to the task, permit must be secured from the
concern authorities. Following list of permits and licenses should be acquired:
• Project permits where applicable will be obtained and be in place prior to commencing
any site activity.
• Work at height Permit
• Hot Work Permits
• Shafts (Riser)
• Confined Spaces
• Leak/Pressure test permit
• Lifting Permit
• Equipment Permit
• Equipment License
2.0 References
2.1 Works Zone Traffic Management Plan (with New Road connected to Corniche)
2.2 Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan (SC‐DPP‐MDP‐PSL‐PLN‐HS‐00001)
2.3 DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) Standard Procedure
2.4 Approved Material Submittals
2.5 Approved Shop Drawings
2.6 Approved Inspection Test Plan ITP
2.7 Project Specification.
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2.8 QCS 2014 – Section 21 Part 17
2.9 NFPA 54, 58.
2.10 WOQOD Requirements.
2.11 Project Quality Plan
2.12 Fire Safety Standards issued by the Civil Defense Department (QCDD) – Ministry
of the Interior, Qatar
2.13 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes as applicable
3 Responsibilities
3.1 Senior Construction Manager
• The Senior Construction Manager reporting to the Project Director, has overall
responsibility for the co‐ordination and implementation of the works including
Manpower, Plant, Equipment and Instruments Utilization, Engineering and all other
supporting Drawings.
• Responsible for the overall execution of the project. He will monitor all the activities with
his subordinates and make sure that the project is completed on time.
• Ensure that adequate worker’s welfare facilities and equipment are available to avoid
injury, health impairment or damage and to ensure providing quality works within the
planned timescale.
3.2 Construction Manager
• Carrying out the tasks identified by the Senior Construction Manager
• Complying with all Company Policies, Quality Procedures, Statutory Regulations and
project specifications.
• Ensuring that the Quality of material and installation of work is in accordance with the
acceptance criteria identified for the project.
• Ensuring that the work is completed in accordance with the specified QA / QC system &
in a Safe manner.
• Monitoring all Sub Contractors work closely to ensure that the Quality of the work is as
per specification and is completed on time.
• Review of short‐term planning & advising the Senior Construction Manager on any
problem areas.
• Completing all necessary documentation to be included in weekly & monthly reports.
• Issuing instructions to the Engineers, Supervisors and others to complete the work in
accordance with the project program.
• Co‐ordination with the Logistics / Plant Manager for any equipment or plant required.
• Completing all Daily Reports on time & ensuring that the information is 100% correct.
3.3 Site Engineer
• Site Engineer reporting to the Senior Construction Manager for all the activities at site.
• Assigning task / activities to supervisor.
• Ensuring the execution of tasks within the allocated time frame.
• Ensure that work is carried out as per approved shop drawings
• Ensure that work is carried out as per the submitted method statements
• Monitor for usage of correct and quality materials.
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• Monitoring and controlling execution with respect to time and quality.
• Expediting areas of concern to achieve work activity time frame in coordination with
other discipline engineers.
• Liaising with QC Engineers regarding work progress and hold point inspection.
• Ensuring the work is carried out as per approved Method Statement.
• Ensuring usage of correct and approved materials.
• Ensure the safety and welfare of all labors.
3.4 Surveyor
• Chief Surveyor reporting to the Senior Construction Manager.
• Use appropriate equipment to complete assigned task.
• Keep accurate notes and records to describe and certify work performance.
• Abide by all site Quality & HSE Requirement.
• Determine methods to establish survey control points
• Ensure that survey points are properly maintained,
• Surveying and setting out as per drawing.
• Ensure that the required surveys are planned and performed in accordance with this
• Will ensure the calibration of equipment.
3.5 Site Supervisor / Foreman
• Assigning works to technicians / workers.
• Ensuring the execution of tasks within the allocated time frame.
• Monitoring and controlling execution with respect to correctness, time and quality.
• Expediting areas of concern to achieve work activity time frame.
• Liaising with Site Engineer regarding work front availability, work progress and readiness
for inspection of the installation.
3.6 Health and Safety Manager
• Shall advise DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) staff and management on ways to fulfill the Health
and Safety requirements mentioned in the Health and Safety Plan.
• Shall support the Site Safety Representatives on health and safety related issues.
• Carries out Health & Safety Hazard Impact / Risk Assessment for the site.
• Carries out work place inspections and raises Health & Safety NCR’s for Nonconformities.
• Ensures work site is in safe conditions
• Ensures calibration & approval of all Health and safety monitoring Equipment and ensure
needed certifications for lifting equipment, machineries, Slings etc.
• Facilitates implementation of corrective & preventive actions identified as part of Health
and Safety Inspections and Audits.
• Ensures First aid and Health and Safety Emergency Procedures for the site are
established and maintained.
3.7 Health & Safety Engineer/Officer
• Safety Officer reporting to Senior Construction Manager for all the activities at site and
he will report to the Project / Safety Manager and will be fully responsible for Health
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and Safety requirements of the project. He will be conducting all required Tool Box Talk,
Safety reports and make sure, that all the safety procedures are met at site.
• Ensure that required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is always worn.
• Ensure all workers / technicians are briefed about hazards associated with their type of
• Highlights hazards associated to each work activity.
• Close monitoring of workers and worksite for any safety related issues.
3.8 MEP Manager
• MEP Manager will be responsible all the MEP related works in the project.
• He will be mainly responsible for selecting and evaluating MEP Contractor for the project.
• He will be responsible for all the MEP Design & Drawings submission & approval.
• He will be responsible for monitoring MEP Contractors works and conducting meetings
with MEP Contractors.
• He will be responsible for reviewing all the material submittals / shop drawings/ Testing
& commissioning procedures submitted by MEP Contractor.
3.9 MEP Engineer
• Review the shop drawings supplied by sub‐contractors.
• Monitoring the MEP Contractors work.
• Coordinating with MEP Contractor & Client/Consultant.
• Monitoring MEP Testing & Commissioning works and review Commissioning reports.
• MEP Engineer will be responsible for LOTO System implementation.
• Follow the Quality, Safety and Environmental management requirements in his area of
3.10 QA / QC Manager
• Shall advise DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) staff and management on ways to fulfill the
Quality requirements mentioned in the Project Quality Plan.
• Shall prepare and develop a process of monitoring the procedure mentioned in this
document to insure it is strictly followed and will continue to evaluate its effectiveness
and revised as necessary for quality improvement.
• Shall conduct an awareness training to personnel directly involves imparting a proper
understanding of its requirements
• He shall support the QA/QC Engineer on quality issues in the site.
3.11 QC Engineer/Inspector
• Will carry out the material inspection to ensure that materials are approved, and they
meet the desired quality standard upon receipt
• Assign areas of responsibilities and request approved 3rd Party Technicians.
• Ensuring that the project Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) is briefed to and are being
followed by the construction team.
• Ensures required quality documentation is fulfilled and approved.
• Initiating and maintaining check sheets / records for works.
• Liaising with Site Engineer regarding work progress and hold point inspection.
• Performing hold point inspection of finished parts.
• Expediting areas of concern to best achieve project quality requirements.
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• Real time monitoring of on‐going work activities.
• Status reporting of work progress and readiness for inspection.
3.12 Skilled labor
• Carry out their work in such a way, that they do not create for themselves or any other
person risk to health and safety, and do not impact the environment to the maximum
extent possible or affect the quality of work.
• Will be suitably trained, experienced and skillful for the assigned work.
• Will wear suitable PPE and perform the work in a safe manner as educated through TBT.
• Will be accountable to their Trade Foreman and work under his direct instructions.
3.13 Un‐Skilled labor
• Carry out their work in such a way that they do not create for themselves or any other
person risk to health and safety, and do not impact the environment to the maximum
extent possible or affect the quality of work.
• Unskilled labor will work under the skilled labor in supervision of Foreman / Supervisor.
• Will wear suitable PPE and perform the work in a safe manner as educated through TBT.
• Will be accountable to their trade Foreman and work under his direct instructions.
3.14 Operator
• Carry out their work in such a way that they do not create for themselves or any other
person risk to health and safety, and do not impact the environment to the maximum
extent possible or affect the quality of work.
• Operator will work under the supervision of Foreman / Supervisor.
• Heavy Licensed Operator Drive and control the construction equipment.
• Maintain proper coordination and cooperation with the road and transport system while
• Will wear suitable PPE and perform the work in a safe manner as educated through TBT.
• Will be accountable to their trade Foreman and work under his direct instructions.
3.15 Flagman
• Carry out their work in such a way that they do not create for themselves or any other
person risk to health and safety, and do not impact the environment to the maximum
extent possible or affect the quality of work.
• Flagman will work under the Operator in supervision of Foreman / Supervisor.
• Flagman guides traffic in a construction zone.
• Use signal flags to work with the traffic patterns and ensure the safety of other
construction works.
• Will wear suitable PPE and perform the work in a safe manner as educated through TBT.
• Will be accountable to their trade Foreman and work under his direct instructions.
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3.16 Driver
• Carry out their work in such a way that they do not create for themselves or any other
person risk to health and safety, and do not impact the environment to the maximum
extent possible or affect the quality of work.
• Driver will work under the supervision of Foreman / Supervisor.
• Licensed Driver Maintain, drive and control the construction vehicle.
• Will wear suitable PPE and perform the work in a safe manner as educated through TBT.
• Will be accountable to their trade Foreman and work under his direct instructions.
4 Resources (Manpower, Tools & Equipment)
4.1 Materials
The following materials are required for the execution of the work.
• LPG Storage main tank.
• Vaporizers
• Valves, Regulators.
• Gas Leak Detection panels and sensors and its accessories
• Valves
• LPG system piping network
• LPG Paint- 3 Coating
4.2 Plant Tools and Equipment
• Mobile crane
• Lifting tools & gears
• Chain Hoist
• Eye Bolt / Tie hook
• Drilling Machine.
• Measuring Tape
• Sprit level
• Hand Tools
• Pipe Fitters Tool Box.
• Helper’s Tool Box
• Electrician Tool Box
• Threading machine
• Grinding machine
• Welding Machine
• Voltmeter, Ammeter, Megger
• Pressure Gauges
• Plug stop end caps for pipes
• Nitrogen Cylinder(s).
• Grinding / Cutting machine(s).
• Manual operated fork lift.
4.3 Manpower
• Sr. Construction Manager
• Site Mechanical Engineer
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• Site Electrical Engineer
• Foreman/Tradesmen
• Pipe fabricator / Fitter
• Electrician
• Traffic Engineer
• Welders
• Surveyor
• Foreman / Supervisor
• Safety Officer
• Skilled Labors
• Riggers
• Unskilled Labors
• Driver
• Skilled Labor
5 Health, Safety, Environmental Provisions
5.1 Health and Safety
SQW collaborate with DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) committed to provide a comprehensive
Occupational Health and Safety Oriented and Lost Time Injury (LTI) free for all the
workplaces in the construction sites. Please refer to Health and Safety Plans for more details.
5.1.1 General Health and Safety Policy
a. Daily Pre‐Job briefing shall be held at site. Pre‐Job briefing blank form enclosed in
b. Work specific training will be given to the workers. All workmen will be informed about the
nature and hazard involved in the complete scope of the job.
c. Emergency Drills will be conducted to test preparedness and response within every six
months in line with DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) emergency procedure
d. Operators of mechanical machinery shall be certified for the equipment and vehicles they
operate and must always have in their possession Qatari Driving License for the class of
vehicle and the required Third‐party competency certificate.
e. Operators of mechanical machinery shall be subject to medical examination.
f. The outcome of the risk assessment shall be communicated to the workforce in the form
of a Tool Box Talk to be held at the start of the works and at the start of each shift or
when for any reason the task has been suspended, before work resumes.
g. SQW shall provide adequate assistance for client / consultant / Main contractor
representative during inspection.
5.1.2 Risks
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a. Hazard identification and risk assessment has been carried out and some of the identified
hazards are detailed in the attached Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
b. SQW shall follow DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) established, implemented and maintained an ongoing
identification of hazards, assessment of their risk and determining the necessary
controls. The records are kept up‐to‐date and being reviewed periodically.
c. Job safety analysis shall be done to integrate accepted safety and health principles and
practices into a job or task. Each job or task will be analyzed by breaking them down into
distinct steps to identify the hazards and precautions and implemented with the aim of
ensuring a safe job execution.
5.1.3 Health
a. Sanitary Facilities
• All basic sanitary facilities will be available on site.
b. Health Care Facilities
• DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) shall provide the number of First aid boxes furnished with the
medicines, tools and equipment. The First Aid box shall be available in offices of Clients,
DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV), Satellite and rest shelters depending on number of
• A first‐aider shall be provided for every 25 workers.
• DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) shall appoint a full‐time medical nurse at site in addition to the
first‐aid box.
5.1.4 Safety
a. Induction
• SQW shall maintained provided sustainability awareness thru Induction & Training of all
personnel prior to discharging them of their duties and responsibilities in the site by
b. Anticipated Risks
• Suspended load
• Slip, trip & fall
• Equipment failure
• Defective tools & equipment
• Pinch point
• Fall from height
• Dropping object
• Dust
• Flying particles
• Fumes
• Fire
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• Electrocution
c. Permits and Certification
The following work permits, and certificates shall be available in the work area as required:
• Work at height Permit;
• Lifting permit;
• Leak test permit;
• Valid registration, 3rd Party certificates & insurance for heavy equipment (if any).
• Valid licenses and insurances for operators
d. Inspections
• Heavy equipment shall have third party certifications and shall be regularly inspected with
the approved required daily checklist to ensure high quality standards and efficient
equipment is being used.
e. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Some appropriate PPE shall be worn as per the work required but not limited to;
• Safety helmet
• Safety Goggles
• Safety Boots
• Hand gloves, Respiratory Mask,
• Full body harness (Work at heights) (if any)
f. Traffic Plan and regulation
• SQW shall comply with DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) Traffic Diversion Plan (TDP) detailing
the required number of equipment, planning of the works, layout of the access road,
required road signage and to strictly adhere as such;
• A trained Flagman and Banksman will be available as required;
g. Subcontractors
 SQW subcontractors shall be inducted and obliged to follow all the health & safety
rules regulations being implemented on the site. All SQW Health and Safety measures
shall be applied the same to the subcontractors in line with DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV)
h. Information dissemination
Health and safety knowledge shall be disseminated and cascaded from top management to
the ordinary workers through;
 Site Induction
 Safety Toolbox talk
 Bulletin Boards
 Training Courses
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 Group Discussions
 Site Instructions
 Engineers, Supervisors & Foreman
i. Site Night Works (if any)
 Working shall be prohibited not unless otherwise it is deemed necessary with reasons.
In the night shift will be arranged with all the necessary Safety and Health facilities. Site
representative for supervision will be available and Client approval will be secured for
working night.
 SQW shall coordinate with M/s DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) to provide lighting to avoid
visual fatigue and prevent glare and reflection into person’s eyes.
 During night operations, only clear or amber colored safety glasses shall be worn.
Contact lenses can be worn with eye protection except while using a respirator.
 Any general lighting source shall be mounted at a height enough to keep it well above
the line of normal vision.
 Any local lighting source shall be mounted and arranged to confine the light to the
immediate area to be illuminated.
 Barricade the Hazardous area and use flashing lights.
 Keep combustible materials away from lights.
 Personnel to wear high visibility reflective vest.
j. Emergency Response
 SQW shall follow DOMOPAN INTEGRAL (JV) Contingency Plan and Emergency
Procedure during the period of the work and shall ensure that their staffs are fully
familiar with the emergency procedures, use and location of the essential emergency
equipment, such as breathing apparatus, fire extinguishers, fire hoses etc.
 Safe assembly point (Muster Point) is in near entrance of each site Location;
 In case of emergency, the work force will assemble in the safe assembly point in
consideration the wind direction (Safe assembly point is provided with sign boards);
 Time keeper / Security Personnel shall carry the attendance register of specific location
for head counting of attendees;
 Safety Officer shall verify the attendance register to ensure that all the personnel have
evacuated from the hazard area;
 Attempt to put out the fire / rescue operation shall be made only when it is safe to do
so. Fire shall be put out under supervision of trained personnel.
 All flammable material in the vicinity of fire shall be removed;
 Safety Engineer / Safety Officer shall call Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Police, etc., & Contact Sr.
Construction Manager / Health Safety Manager for further action;
 First aid shall be administered to the injured personnel, if any;
 Project Manager shall ascertain the risks and ensure control measures are
implemented prior to resuming work.
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(+974) 4439 2111
5.2 Environmental
SQW is committed to be environmentally friendly and to prevent pollution by reducing the
impact of its activities, products and service on the environment in line with DOMOPAN (JV)

  1. Vehicle/Equipment maintenance will only be done in designated area (Maintenance
  2. Environmental Emergency arrangement. i.e. Provision of Spill Kits
  3. All waste resulting from this activity will be properly managed and segregated. i.e.
    Segregation Non‐hazardous waste for adequate disposal by a license waste carrier
  4. All waste resulting from this operation will be properly managed as per Waste
    management Plan in Construction Environmental Management Plan, submittal no. SCDPP‐
    MDP‐DPQ‐PLN ‐EN‐00006
  5. Any hazardous materials that maybe used during this operation shall be appropriately
    stored as per the MSDS.
  6. MSDS for all substances used will be available at the designated storage area and
    where they are being used
  7. Waste Management‐ All the waste produced shall be segregated, based on its
    availability/ practicability for recycling/ reuse. Hazardous materials and waste like
    paints. Thinners, etc. shall be segregated from the non‐hazardous materials.
  8. Noise Emissions‐ Elevated levels of Noise, generated during the task stage shall be
    minimized and the personnel involve in the task shall be protected with ear plug/ muffs
    as required.
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    6 Procedure & Methodology of Work
    6.1 Material Handling.
    • Ensure that all the materials received to the site are according to the approved material
    • Materials will be transported to the site in accordance with the manufacturer’s
    recommendation so as to avoid damage or deterioration.
    • Care must be taken to ensure the materials are evenly supported throughout during
    • Supports must be free from sharp edges to prevent damage to the unit during
    • Pipes, Panels and accessories shall be offloaded in the site store.
    • The Tanks shall be offloaded from the vehicle by using a forklift/crane. Equipment for
    handling the tank shall be of adequate size to lift and position the tank. Tanks shall be
    carefully handled using cables of adequate length and size. Attach to the tank using the
    lifting lugs provided. Care should be taken that the angle between the two cables, at the
    lift point, shall be no greater than 60 degrees.
    • Collect the relevant document from the supplier.
    • Unload the Vaporizers as per manufacturer/ Supplier recommendation.
    • Store the Vaporizer’s as per manufacturer/ Supplier recommendation.
    • Collect all accessories as per delivery note. If found any missing immediately inform to
    the site engineer
    • Valves and gauge are covered in the storage area
    • All materials shall be offloaded in a designated lay down area. LPG Tanks shall be
    offloaded in a proper flat storage area and later shifted wherein to be installed in Below
    • Ensure timber supports on all equipment and materials during storage. End caps or
    coverings shall be in place until installation for pipes and tank openings.
    • Materials should not be dropped into hard surfaces and should not be dragged along
    the ground.
    • Tank Handling: Tanks shall be handled and installed by Unigaz.
    6.2 Material Storage and Inspection.
    • All packages for the LPG System reaching site shall be identified as per the packing list
    • The LPG System parts will be stored in a clean/dry place. Parts to be covered by
    polythene sheets.
    • Materials received at the site shall be inspected to ensure that the materials are as per
    approved material submittal in terms of their make, model, type country of origin and
    • Any discrepancies, damages etc., found will be notified and reported for further action.
    • Store the pump as per manufacturer/supplier recommendation.
    6.3 Site Planning and Preparation.
    • All approved/shop drawing shall be kept at the site to the respective Site supervisor.
    • All areas including the trailer/crane movement places shall be barricaded with required
    signaling tape and sufficient signage to be provided towards safety warning.
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    • Sufficient illuminations shall be provided in case the work is being carried during night
    • Level and finish of foundation to be checked as per approved shop drawing and
    manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Finishing of foundation to be inspected and approved by general inspection.
    • Works shall not start until an approved construction drawing is issued. UNIGAZ shall
    ensure to obtain necessary approvals on time to avoid delay.
    • Work will be carried out only when all associated works have been verified for
    completion. Safe access to work areas shall be provided. Local access equipment
    (tower, scaffolds etc.) shall be provided and approved by a competent person prior to
    the commencement of works.
    • Materials shall be moved to the work area in a safe manner and shall not block
    access/egress from the site. Suitable mechanical aids shall be used where Diesel Fuel
    Tanks to be moved or lifted into position. Such equipment shall be planned for in
    advance of works.
    • LPG Tank and other related accessories will be stored at a dry location in the laydown
    area. They will be protected and covered by polyethene sheeting.
    • Where high-risk works are involved (heavy lifting operations, work in confined spaces)
    then a Safety Method Statement shall be developed in accordance with HSE
    • Before installations, it is ensured to inspect the Vault.
    • Ensure that all drawings are current and marked “Approved for Construction”. All shop
    and Approved for Construction drawings shall be certified by the specialist.
    • Inspect the relevant area for any possible clashes with other services.
    • Before any materials are installed it will be ensured that these have been inspected at
    the site and have been approved as per the relevant Material Delivered to site form
    • Inspect all materials and verify that they are undamaged and suitable for the relevant
    • The Tanks should be grounded as per WOQOD/QCDD requirements. Anode rods or
    anode bags connected through cables can be used for grounding purposes.
    • Where the tank body is in contact with the earth or foundation, it should be protected
    from external corrosion through grounding.
    • Aboveground tanks should not be located above underground utilities or directly
    beneath overhead power lines.
    • All packages for the LPG System reaching site shall be identified as per the packing list
    • The LPGl System parts will be stored in a clean/dry place. Parts to be covered by
    polythene sheets.
    6.4 Work Sequence and Methodology
    • Check all material delivered to the site is inspected properly by QA/QC Engineer and
    check if it is stored properly.
    • MIR shall be raised for the inspection of insulation materials, to the Consultant
    • Work shall be carried out by the site staff under strict supervision and guidance of the
    concerned Supervisors / Foremen / Engineers.
    6.5 Installation Procedure for LPG System
    (A) Bulk Tank Storage Tank Installation.
    Page 20 of 62
    • The tanks area should be ready for off-loading and installation of the tanks as follow: –
    There should not be any electrical plants or installations in the vicinity because they
    may generate stray currents (e.g. electric lines).
    • Assess the area for positioning of the crane for installation of LPG tank.
    • Check ground level of tanks foundation. Install the tanks inside the foundation and fixing
    them with anchor bolts.
    • Start sand filling with sieved sand around the tanks up to 50% of the tanks level and
    spray water. The markings will be done by Unigaz.
    • Install catholic protection to protect the Underground tank from corrosion by making it
    as a cathode. To make tank a cathode, you have to attach an anode to it. Both have to
    be in an electrolyte such as earth or water. Install an anode consisting of magnesium
    metal packed inside a cloth bag containing of conductive material and earth backfill with
    a wire that is attached to the magnesium and to the tank
    • Continue filling with sand with courteously compacted to prevent excessive shrinkage,
    till the specified marks on the tanks, keeping the last layer 10cm of gravels
    • Once the backfilling completed install all the tank valve accessories like vapor
    inlet/outlet, liquid inlet/outlet safety relief valves, pressure gauges, High level and low
    level indication, Excess flow check operations are built-in within the tanks supplied by
    Page 21 of 62
    (B) Vaporizer Installation
    • The vaporizer must be firmly fixed on the solid stand or concrete foundation.
    • Leave enough space around the vaporizer for easy access for overhaul inspection and
    • Execute the piping works properly in conformity with approved drawings in order to
    connect the vaporizer to the gas tanks.
    • The vaporizers are protected from over pressure.
     Connect electric cables according to the capacity of each device, cable with suitable
    thickness and length must be prepared as per below:
    a. All connection will be through junction box for each device.
    b. All cables have to be joined with terminal block threw a junction box.
    c. Suitable data cable will be used to connect each instrumentation device
    (level indicator, pressure, temperature sensors).
    6.6 Valves Regulators
    (A) Regulators.
    • General: All regulators shall be designed, installed or protected so their operation will
    not be affected by the elements.
     First stage regulator: Single stage suitable for LPG service.
    a. The regulators will reduce the pressure from tanks pressure (4 Bar) to max
    network pressure (1.2 Bar).
    b. A stand by regulator will be installed in case any break down
    • Second stage regulator: Single stage suitable for LPG system.
    The regulator will reduce the pressure from main network pressure to the required
    pressure for kitchens.
    Page 22 of 62
    (B) Pressure Gauges.
    • General: All Pressure gauges shall be installed as per the approved P&ID.
    • Pressure gauges are installed to show the reading of the inlet/outlet pressures for pipe
    and the range should be 4 times of the maximum working pressure
    • Will be threaded up to 2’’ size.
    (C) Safety Relief Valve.
    • General: All safety relief valves shall be installed as per the approved P&ID.
    • Safety relief valves are installed to automatically release the pressure if the pressure
    exceeds the present limits.
    • Each liquid line shall have relief valve connected to line (Threaded) without isolation
    (C) Solenoid Valve.
    • LPG Line
    • Pneumatic Valve
    It is a valve to open and close the gas automatically.
    Installation of solenoid valve.
    Solenoid valves are installed as per approved drawing.
    The installation of solenoid valve on the beginning of the gas line to control the gas
    from the tank into the building.
    The solenoid is linked to the control panel, and will be threaded end.
    (C) Ball Valve.
    • Ball valves are used for isolate the system for power failure or any emergency
    Installation of solenoid valve.
    Ball valves are installed as per approved drawing and its tagged in a proper sequence
    the valve close & open condition.
    Valve below 2” will be with Threaded fittings, and flanged end above 3’’
    Page 23 of 62
    6.7 Installation of Aboveground and Underground Pipe Network
    (A) Installation of Aboveground and Underground Carbon Steel Pipes.
    • The installation should comply with NFPA 58 Standards Installation of pipes to comply
    with NFPA 54 & NFPA 58, WOQOD and local authority standards.
    • Prefabricate pipe spools as per the approved layout drawing.
    • Mount the necessary support in position and then install the pipes.
    • Install the pipes as per the approved shop drawings.
    • Secondary containment piping and fittings shall be used for pipes runs within
    unventilated area, inside shaft and above ceiling as per Project Specification.
    • The pipe sleeves shall be used in LPG internal piping inside the building unventilated
    area, inside shaft and above ceiling as shown in approved drawing.
    • Installation of carbon steel pipe sleeves.
    a. Install the pipe sleeves as shown in the Approved drawing.
    b. Insert Carbon steel gas pipe line inside the pipe sleeves as per the approved
    c. The Pipe shall be weld before the erecting the pipe in the position. Where
    the pipe are bending Pipe sleeves elbow shall be made in two part by cutting
    it and shall be joint again by welding process .(where ever applicable).
    Spacer will be provided in between Carbon steel pipe and Pipe sleeve. After
    fabrication of pipe and pipe sleeves shall be erect in the position as shown in
    the approved drawing.
    • Carry out the necessary fixing as per the approved standard procedures.
    • Welding: pipes to be welded in accordance with qualified procedures using qualified
    welders and calibrated welding machines. Procedures and welders shall be qualified in
    accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Section IX (refer to welding
    • Threaded pipe below 2” will be used for fittings (Valves, Regulator…) only.
    • Flanges to be installed if diameter above 80 mm, then we can install unions or
    • Connection of pipe branches from top or side of horizontal piping, reducers to be
    installed where required.
    • Gas pipes will be painted primer and two layers of yellow color to be identified from
    other services.
    Welding Procedure: Welding procedures for the LPG network shall be carried out according
    to the following:
    • Welding surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned so as to be dry and from paint, oil rust,
    and scale and other material, detrimental to weld quality.
    • Each bead shall be clean of scale, oxides, dirt and other impurities before any
    succeeding weld passes are made.
    • Tack welding between the assembled pipes
    Welding process
    • First pass will be carried by SMAW (argon welds) using electrode Type E6013.
    • The tack welds will be removed, followed by cleaning with a grinder.
    • Continue welding of first pass at the tack weld location.
    • Visual inspection of the first pass weld.
    • Cleaning the first pass by grinder.
    • Followed finally for the other pass by using SMAW, electrode Type E7018.
    Page 24 of 62
    • Each bead shall be cleaned of scale, oxide, dirt and other impurities and succeeding
    weld process
    Defects: Defects reverted by visual inspection of welds shall be repaired /rectified; the repaired
    portion shall be re-examined
    • Welding electrodes. The electrode shall be stored properly to prevent moisture
    absorption and shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid damage to the coating
    • All low hydrogen type electrodes shall be completely dry when used. These shall be
    preheated in suitable oven at controlled temperature of 200-250C for not less than 4
    hours and then used on the job.
    • Electrode should be free when used from oil, grease, earth or any other matter.
    • The pipes shall be cleaned thoroughly from any dirt (oils, dust etc.) followed by first
    quote of oxide prime and then two layers of yellow paint for vapour lines and white for
    liquid lines, as per the codes.
    (C) Painting of LPG Piping and Spool.
    The material surface to be painted shall be cleaned from any welding slag, dust, grease or
    Debris Methods of surface preparation can be adopted e.g. degreasing, hand tool cleaning,
    power tool cleaning. Painting shall be in 3 layer coating system.
    Surface Preparation:
    • Prior to cleaning the surface shall be checked for damages and all sharp edges and
    weld spatter ground to give a smooth, gently radius profile.
    • All oil, grease and any other contamination shall be removed by means of a water
    soluble de-greasing. The degreased surface shall be tested for residual oil grease using
    water droplets.
    • Surface to be painted shall be cleaned by Sand papering.
    • Surface preparation shall not take place when the relative humidity is greater than 85%
    or when the surface temperature is less than 3 degree C above the ambient dew-point
    Page 25 of 62
    or when adverse weather conditions are anticipated or outside of day light hours on
    exterior locations.
    Cleaning Out
    • Clean the entire sand papered surface prior to painting by brushing to remove spent
    abrasive and dust residues or if permitted by using dry and oil free compressed air. The
    compressed air used for cleaning must be free from oil and grease.
    • Ensure that there is no spent abrasive lying in the vicinity of component that are being,
    or have recently been, painted and that all painted surface are sheltered and protected
    from any contamination by particular matter.
    Application of Paint
    • Paint shall be mechanically mixed prior to application; the mixture must be free of
    • Paint application on bare pipes & fittings shall be in accordance with manufacturer
    recommendation and site conditions. (Airless spray or brush).
    • Subsequent coat to be applied after proper drying of previous coat (manufacturer’s
    recommendations to be followed) but within the recommended over coating period of
    the paint at the metal surface temperature.
    • Paint shall not be applied when;
  • Rain, fog or mist is prevailing.
  • Relative humidity exceeds 85% or the limit given by the paint
  • Air or metal temperature is within 3 degrees C of the dew
    point or air temperature is below paint manufacturers
    • Each coat shall be allowed to cure for the time specified by the paint manufacturer.
    • The final visual appearance of the paint film shall be such that it is free from runs and
    sags, misses, orange peel, pinholes, fisheyes, over spray, dirt or garnet entrapment.
    • All damages to the coating system shall be repaired as for original system. The repair
    coating shall be applied by brush.
    6.8 Installation of Underground HDPE Pipes.
    The HDPE pipes will serve the LPG vapour for the underground network as per the approved
    drawing. The pipes will be delivered in a roll or pipe length. The pipe roll will be installed in an
    underground trench as follow.
    Pipe will be as per approved submittal and have a yellow strips to identify the gas application.
     A trench should be excavated according to pipe routing as per approved drawing from
    finish floor level.
     The bottom of the trench should be filled with soft sand up as per drawing.
     The pipe will be laid over the soft sand layer.
     A new layer of soft sand will cover the pipe
    Page 26 of 62
     A non-detectable warning tape will be laid over the pipe to mark the pipe location during
    any future excavation.
     A Tracer Wire will be laid over the warning Tape for pipe easy detection
     Electro fusion welding will be made for joining of HDPE Pipe.
    6.9 Pipe Leak Test/Pressure Test Description
    • Upon substantial completion of the pipeline or major sections, the line will be cleaned
    and hydrostatically tested to prove integrity of the pipeline section and to detect any
    leakage prior to commissioning.
    • Testing will be performed in accordance with the Project Specifications.
    • Testing should be performed in the presence of the Engineer’s representative.
    (A) General
    • Always place the gauges at the end of the length under test.
    • Take great care to avoid the joints and leaving sufficient space all-round the joints in
    order to permit inspection and to undertake remedial measures if the joints be found to
    leak during the hydraulic testing.
    • Do not over pressurize the system under any circumstance.
    • Provide all the equipment and materials for testing purposes. Remove and proper
    disposal on completion of testing.
    • Ensure that all test methods and procedures comply with his Health and Safety Plan.
    (B) Prior ‐ testing
    Page 27 of 62
    • Upon completion of the works, relevant sections shall do visual inspection to ensure the
    correct installation procedure has been followed, and that the pipes and fittings are
    adequately restrained and supported as per Project Specifications.
    • Pipe joints, valves and fittings shall be checked carefully for loose bolts or connections
    which might cause leakage and delay the execution of the tests.
    • Keep all valves and control devices in open position.
    • Ensure that materials and test equipment will be used for the whole procedure are
    approved and the equipment is going to be used for the test has valid calibration
    (C) Test Procedure
    • Safety will be a major factor during pressure testing to ensure a safe working
    environment for all the site personnel and to safeguard plant and equipment prior to the
    commencement of the test, toolbox talk will be given to all personnel identifying the
    potential dangers of pressure testing and to make everyone aware that testing is ongoing
    in the area
    • Close and seal all nozzles / pipe ends with suitable plugs except the one used for the
    nitrogen filling.
    • Connect the nitrogen filled cylinder to the nozzle used for applying the pressure.
    • Connect a calibrated pressure gauge.
    • Start and monitor the pressure gauge until it reaches 50 psi.
    • Close the valve and turn off the cylinder valve when the pressure is settled at 50 psi.
    • Start the timer at this stage.
    • Apply soapy foam on the pipe joints and at the pipe line to observe any leakage.
    • Keep on monitoring the pressure gauge for any drop for 1 Hour.
    • The piping maybe tested in sections or in total, depending on site requirements.
    • If no leak or pressure drop is observed, then the pipe line has passed the test. If leak is
    observed from the pipe line, stop the test for further investigation.
    • Proceed with reinstallation only after satisfactory completion of the pressure testing.
    • Raise the inspection request for witnessing the pressure testing to the consultant.
    • Barricade the pressure testing area.
    • Provide signboard on pressure testing is on-going in the area.
    • All test equipment’s (cylinders, manifolds, pressure gauges etc.) will be inspected prior
    to use to make sure they comply with the site safety requirements. All gauges shall
    have a valid calibration certificate available for inspection.
    • The requirements in this section apply to pressure testing of pressure piping systems.
    • Pipework Test Pressure: The tightness test pressure shall be 6 bar. TEST DURATION
    WILL BE 1 HRS. (As per NFPA 30 Chapter 5-Piping System, Section 5.6 Testing).
    6.10 Electrical and Instruments Installation
    (A) Detection System Installation:
    (a) Gas Control Panel
    • General Requirements: Control unit shall be minimum 32 channels; operating over a
    temperature range of 0 to 50 degrees C
    • Control unit shall be capable of monitoring of required detectors for the project
    • Control unit shall be housed in a weatherproof cabinet suitable for wall mounting. The
    control Panel shall have a reset button which restores the panel to its normal condition
    when there is an interruption in power supply or emergency as there are chances of
    Persons to leave the Kitchen without closing the Equipment valve.
    • Gas control panel system shall be interfaced with main fire alarm control panel.
    Page 28 of 62
    • About the control panel: The control panel is from Sensitron and it can able to control
    the required detectors. The control panel is installed as per approved drawing.
    • The dimensions of the control panel are 486 * 288 * 148 millimeter ABS IP65 box.
    • Install is measured at 180 centimeters from the surface of the floor and we put mark so
    that the Distance 180 centimeter will be at the top edge of the control panel.
    • The control panel on the wall and keep above spirit level to adjust the control panel.
    • Adjust the control panel and put signs inside the four ad hoc holes to install the control
    • Mark on the wall and make four holes with a diameter of 6 ml Drill and put inside Roll
    plug the plastic. Then install the control panel on the wall using the appropriate screws
    Note: Installing the control panel inside the wall. In this case the control panel is
    installing in with cement. Without nails and roll plug.
    • Install the control panel and connect the cables and making connections.
    (b) Gas Detectors:
    • Explosion Proof Gas Detectors shall be installed in the tank area as per approved
    drawing. The Gas Detectors shall be dust proof installed for inside the building as per
    approved drawing.
    • Gas detector is a device to detect any gas leak in the area surrounding it. Gas detectors
    are installed as per approved drawing, there are two types of it, first dust proof and
    second are explosion-proof.
    • Measure 30 centimeters from the floor. So that the Distance 30 centimeter will be at the
    Lower edge of the gas detector.
    • Gas detector on the wall and keep above spirit level to adjust the detector.
    • Adjust the gas detector in the wall. We put signs inside the two holes is using for
    installation of the gas detector.
    • Signs on the wall we have to do two holes with a diameter of 6 ml Drill and put inside
    Roll plug the plastic. Install the gas detector on the wall using the appropriate screws.
    • Put the cable inside the detector and doing the connection after installing the detector.
    • Install Gas detector for double containment pipe by installing a Tee-joint connection
    with in Containment pipe as per approved drawing and interconnected with centralized
    gas detection system (where ever applicable).
    Page 29 of 62
    (c) Sounder
    • Sounder used shall be 32 Tone Red color sounder and minimum audibility shall be 115
    dB at 1 meter.
    • Gas control panel shall be installed and connected to the gas leak detectors.
    • The detectors shall be installed in their place as per the shop drawings, WOQOD &
    NFPA regulations.
    • Emergency push buttons, solenoid valves and detectors needed shall be installed in the
    tank room and equipment location.
    • Conduit pipe with the cables inside shall be installed running parallel with the LPG line.
    Page 30 of 62
    • It is a device to alert to the presence of leaks in
    the gas system, there are two types of it’s (with
    flashlight and without flash).Sounder is to be
    installed as per approved drawing
    • Measure 180 centimeters from the floor.
    • Put the sounder on the wall so that it is the
    middle of the sounder at a distance of 180
    centimeter. Previously identified.
    • Put signs on the wall in places Installation Holes
    and make holes diameter of 6 ml in places Installation Holes in with Drill 4 Putting Roll
    plug in the hole did it before. Then install the sounder on the wall using the appropriate
    (d) Emergency Push Button:
    Emergency push button is used to open and close the gas manually and usually we install near
    to the:
    • Installation is measured at 150 centimeters from the surface of the floor and put mark
    so that the distance 150 centimeter will be at the Lower edge of the emergency push
    • Put the emergency push button on the wall and keep above spirit level to adjust the
    emergency push button.
    • After adjusting the emergency push button put signs inside the two ad hoc holes to
    install the emergency push button.
    • After marking on the wall make two holes with a diameter of 6 ml Drill and put inside
    Roll plug the plastic. Install the emergency push button on the wall using the
    appropriate screws.
    • After installing the emergency push button put cables and making connections for it.
    (e) Junction Box
    • It is a plastic box used to assemble the
    cable coming from the emergency push
    button and solenoid and sounder. And
    install control board inside it to control
    solenoid valve and sounder and other
    • Install the junction box on the wall
    surface with four screws or install it
    inside the wall using cement and in path
    way have to use spirit level to adjust
    (f) Electrical Cables:
    • Electrical cables are responsible for linking the gas detection equipment’s like control
    panel, detectors, solenoid valves & push button so that it is extended inside the PVC
    pipes from each other to Point to point.
    Page 31 of 62
    Installation of Electric Cables:
    Pull the cables inside the G.I. pipe from the point to another point by using the wire
    spring. The cables are used type of fire resistant to the work of all connection
    (g) G.I Conduit:
    It is used to extend the cables from device to other such as gas detector and solenoid
    valve and sounder and emergency push button etc.
    Installation of G.I. Conduit
    Conduit are connected together by coupler and placed under the floor at a depth of 10
    cm or more and are fastened to the floor in with cement or nails and Wire strap.
    6.11 Quality Control and Records
    (A) Inspection and Testing
    • The Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for Installation Full system summarizes the various
    characteristics to be checked.
    • The concerned Project Engineer will be responsible to ensure stage wise compliance
    for these operations and the QA/QC Engineer will carry out quality control checks and
    report the inspection results.
    • Work activities ITP is developed and provided in Attachment – 1
    (B) Documentation
     Inspection Request (IR) Form will be submitted for the installation of sleeves with
    adequate notice.
     Consultant Inspection Request (IR) Form shall be followed for all site work activities and
    will be the verification documents for meeting the requirements of the project.
     The QA/QC Inspector will be responsible for completing Inspection Requests for these
    activities and record all checked items in related Checklists for Installation of pipes
    (Refer to Attachment – 2)
  1. Forms and attachments
    Document Number Title
    Attachment 1 Inspection and Test Plan – Installation of LPG
    Attachment 2 Inspection Request Format
    Attachment 3 Risk Assessment – Installation of LPG system
    Attachment 4 Environmental Risk Register– Installation of LPG
    Page 32 of 62
    Annexure 1
    Inspection & Test Plan (ITP)
    Installation of LPG System
    Page 33 of 62
    Doha Port Redevelopment Project ‐ Combined Mina District & Seawater Diving Pool
    Installation of LPG System
    S. No. Activity
    / Test
    Criteria Frequency Responsible
    Person (s)
    Prior to start work
    obtained &
    to the
    IFC Drawings
    Prior to
    start of
    H R R N/A Work
    IFC Drawings
    Prior to
    start of
    H H R N/A Approved
    Task Launch
    shall be
    IFC Drawings
    Prior to
    start of
    H R R N/A
    Page 34 of 62
    prior to
    start work,
    shall be
    4 Survey &
    Setting out
    IFC Drawings As per IFC
    H R R N/A Survey
    Installation Works
    of all
    Fittings and
    Prior to
    start of
    H W S N/A MIR
    Laying of
    and Levels,
    Support and
    Visual /
    H W S N/A WIR
    Page 35 of 62
    Visual /
    H W S N/A WIR
    and Testing
    Visual /
    Request Each area
    QA / QC
    H W R N/A WIR
    W ‐ Witness (attendance, expected, Signature on Check sheet) WIR ‐ Work Inspection Request PMCM ‐ Project Management
    H ‐ Hold Point IFC ‐ Issued for Construction CSC ‐ Construction Supervision Consultant
    S ‐ Surveillance (random Surveillance, no signature required) I ‐ Perform the activity MC ‐ Main Contractor
    R ‐ Review Record TPA ‐ Third Party Inspection Agency
    Page 36 of 62
    Annexure 2
    Inspection Request Form
    Page 37 of 62
    Page 38 of 62
    Annexure 3
    Health and Safety Hazard Identification
    and Impact /Risk Assessment
    Installation of LPG System
    Page 39 of 62
    RISK ASSESSEMENT: Installation of LPG system
    PROBABILITY Negligible Marginal Serious Critical Catastrophic
    Highly Probable 5 10 15 20 25
    Probable 4 8 12 16 20
    Occasional 3 6 9 12 15
    Remote 2 4 6 8 10
    Improbable 1 2 3 4 5
    Page 40 of 62
    RISK ASSESSEMENT: Installation of LPG system
    No Task & Activity Hazard/Risk Consequences Initial Risk Control Measures Residual
    S L R S L R
    Mobilization &
    Storage of materials:
    Site Deliveries
    Slip, trip, fall,
    Fall from height
    Falling objects
    Unsafe Act / Unsafe condition
    Struck by vehicle
    Personal Injury,
    Property damage
    Loss of company
    4 4 16
    1‐ All drivers / operators must be in possession of valid
    Qatari driving license
    2‐ All vehicles / plant must be compliant with Qatar
    traffic & road regulations related to registration, follow
    project traffic management plan.
    3‐ All vehicles must kept within their SWL and always
    follow manufactures recommendations when treating
    4‐ All drivers entering site must be HSE inducted and
    must undergo driver awareness training
    5‐ Suitable routes, roadways and parking (firm, even
    surfaces, routes to be marked with directional
    signage’s), speed, limits, one way routes, lights etc.
    6‐ Suitable segregation of pedestrian and vehicles e.g.
    7‐ All reversing vehicles to be controlled by a trained
    banks man
    8‐ All mobile plant & equipment to have audible
    reversing alarm
    9‐ No use of mobile phones whilst driving8‐ Blind spots
    to be mitigated by appropriate mirrors.
    10‐ All vehicles must be fitted with flashing beacon light
    prior to entering site
    11‐ All drivers entering site must be HSE inducted and
    must undergo driver awareness training
    12‐ All subcontractors, suppliers, visitor drivers must be
    provided with visitor induction prior to entering site.
  2. Goal post to be made to restrict the vehicle entry
    and access controller/security/flagman to be assigned
    to control vehicles.
    14‐Vehicles restricted to move near the racks. only
    allowed specific unloading area
    15‐ All over sized loads and large vehicles to be
    escorted from site entrance by another site vehicle and
    4 1 4
    Page 41 of 62
    RISK ASSESSEMENT: Installation of LPG system
    No Task & Activity Hazard/Risk Consequences Initial Risk Control Measures Residual
    S L R S L R
    /or banks man where possible, ensure loads well
    secured and lashed.
    16‐ Access to trailer only, operatives not to climb on
    loads, access via ladder if no fixed access is available on
    the trailer
    17‐ Only authorized personnel within the working area,
    hard barriers used with restricted access within the
    unloading area.
    18‐traffic system will be implemented to reduce the risk
    of the vehicle colliding with storage rack by making
    barrier, designated Safe route, flagman and specific
    unloading area
    19‐ Lifting plans to be provided for all lifts using crane,
    Large or over size loads to be assessed within the lifting
    plan for accessing the lifting points. Scaffold and/or
    ladders access or MEWP to be used where possible.
    20‐ Ensure area used for lifting/unloading operation is
    barricaded and necessary caution and warning signs
    and flag mans are placed, positioned before
    commencement of work task, operation.
    21‐ Loads palletized and pre slung where possible,
    utilize lifting plans for all lifts
    22‐ Ensure mandatory PPE is made complaint for all
    23‐ Laydown area planned to avoid reversing, drawings
    within logistics plan.
    24‐ A competent banks man deploy with moving
    25‐ Use seat belt, no overtaking and no tailgating while
    26‐ Ensure on arrival inspection of a heavy vehicle is
    carried out by DOMOPAN area HS Officer.
    Page 42 of 62
    RISK ASSESSEMENT: Installation of LPG system
    No Task & Activity Hazard/Risk Consequences Initial Risk Control Measures Residual
    S L R S L R
    Material Inspection &
    Over stacking of materials
    Improper manual handling
    Poor illumination.
    No ventilation.
    Over load
    Mixed materials.
    Fall of materials
    Minor injury/Major
    injury, Fatality,
    Property / Asset
    Loss of company
    4 3 12
  3. Pre‐job briefing prior to any task to be done
    considering updated approved RAMS.
  4. Maintain a height of stacked materials less than 1
  5. To be Provide sufficient illumination as per QCS 2014
    Section 11, Part 1.5.3.
  6. Provide suitable ventilation for workers and to
    maintain the good condition and quality of the
  7. Provide suitable fire extinguishers.
  8. Ensure Chemicals/flammable materials shall be
    segregate and stacked in separate designated location.
  9. Ensure to provide mandatory PPE like hand gloves
    (cotton gloves),safety goggles, etc.
    4 1 4
    Page 43 of 62
    RISK ASSESSEMENT: Installation of LPG system
    No Task & Activity Hazard/Risk Consequences Initial Risk Control Measures Residual
    S L R S L R
    Preparation to start
    the work.
    Lack of Supervision
    Incompetent workers
    Lack of information regarding
    the activity
    Improper communication
    Personnel injury,
    property damage,
    Loss of company
    4 3 12
    1‐ The Initial Site Safety Induction, Pre‐Job briefing ,
    Toolbox Talk, Safety Awareness Meetings will be
    conducted, if applicable, required permits must be
    obtained prior to commence the work
    2‐ Ensure all the necessary control measures has been
    communicated to all levels.
    3‐ Proper work plan and Ensure adequate control
    supervision must be in place.
    4‐ Appropriate use of mandatory PPE such as Hard hat,
    coverall, Safety goggles, Safety gloves, hi‐viz vest, safety
    shoes etc.
    5‐ Ensure the evacuation, incident reporting procedure
    has been briefed to all level and in case of Emergency,
    DOMOPAN evacuation procedure must be followed.
    6‐ Ensure all the plant and equipment entering in the
    site must be inspected, have a valid 3rd party certificate
    and vehicle registration.
    7‐ Adequate safe work environment (i.e. lighting,
    welfare facilities, emergency response, etc.) must be
    8‐Pedestrian access to be provided and marked.
    9‐Logistic plan to be implemented and access roads
    properly marked.
    10‐traffic control system including speed limiting will be
    implemented to reduce the risk of the vehicle colliding
    with other vehicle, designated Safe route, flagman and
    specific unloading area.
  10. Speed control including hump and warning signs.
    12‐barrier/tire stopper to prevent hitting damages for
    13‐ Ensure all vehicle entering construction site must
    have a gate pass.
    14‐ Ensure that necessary Work Permits, including
    interface permits where applicable will be obtained
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    with all required safety precautions, prior to start any
    15‐ Ensure Housekeeping and Waste Management
    (where applicable) has been done.
    16‐ Provision of emergency contact details, procedure,
    First aiders, First Aid Kit / station / Clinic with qualified
    personnel will be available at the site.
    17‐ Provision of welfare facilities; rest areas, toilets,
    hand washing facilities, mess hall, fresh drinking
    18‐ Close supervision is always mandatory.
    19‐ Hard copy of approved MSRA shall be made available
    at the work site.
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    Lifting operations:
    Installation of LPG
    tank, pipes, use of
    boom Truck / mobile
    Equipment failure, Overturned,
    Collision with Other Vehicles,
    Falling of load,
    Uncontrolled / Unstable Load,
    Struck against objects,
    incompetent operatives,
    Fatality, personal
    injury, property /
    asset damage,
    5 4 20
  11. Permit system to be implemented for all mechanical
    lifting work.
  12. Lifting plan should be in place for critical lifting.
    3‐ Pre‐job briefing talk, Toolbox Talk and Pre lift
    meeting to be performed before the start of work
    4‐ Safe lifting procedure must be followed.
    5‐All lifting tools and crane and operators’ must be
    certified by third parties.
    6‐ Periodic inspection of lifting equipment / accessories
    to be carried out and valid 3rd party certificates must
    be provided, maintained.
    7‐ All lifting equipment, gears shall be assessed
    correctly as per work task with safe working load and
    other safety factors. Avoid plant & equipment use
    inside storage area, operating with gasoline fuel.
    Battery operated plant will be priority.
    8‐ Damaged lifting equipment shall be removed from
    9‐ Only 3rd party trained personnel shall be allowed for
    rigging, lifting activities.
    10‐Unloading work activities and identified, appointed
    person to ensure safe subject operations, work task.
    11‐Before lifting all loads are checked to ensure they
    are within the safe working load of the equipment.
    12‐Barricaded the lifting radius, isolated from
    workforce display signage.
    13‐ Signaling to lifting/unloading operation shall be
    assigned to one competent person only.
    14‐ Operator shall never leave his position at control
    when load is suspended.
    15‐ Always try to keep load clear of the personnel
    working below.
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    16‐ Personal protective equipment shall be strictly
    enforced during the operation.
    17‐ Tag lines, secured load provision shall be in use to
    guide the load in safe manner.
    18‐Movement of vehicle controlled by a banks man, All
    needed/ necessary PPE’s will be worn by employees
    involve in work activities.
    19‐ Always ensure that all lifting/unloading mechanical
    plant, equipment, aids and supporting outriggers,
    stands must be on a firm and level ground.
    20‐ Ensure area used for lifting/unloading operation is
    barricaded and necessary caution and warning signs
    and flag mans are placed, positioned before
    commencement of work task, operation.
    21‐ Close and effective supervision shall be ensured
    during lifting/unloading operation.
    22‐ Provision of emergency contact details, procedure,
    First Aid Kit Clinic with qualified personnel will be
    available at the site.
    23‐Safe load and the load radius indicators will be
    checked periodically for accuracy.
    24‐Should ensure awareness of the risks involved, but
    will not eliminate human error.
    26‐ Assess the area thoroughly for blind spots, proper
    communication between operator & rigger.
    27‐Lifting operation shall be carried out in presence of
    certified and approved lifting appointed person.
    28‐ Lifting operation shall be thoroughly supervised by
    a certified and approved lifting Supervisor.
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    Working inside
    Cave in
    Soil collapse
    Obstructed access
    Scattered rocks
    Unprotected edge
    Proximity to moving equipment
    Materials near the edge
    Contact with existing services
    Presence of toxic fumes or
    Minor/ major injury
    Company loss of
    5 4 20
  13. Ensure pre‐job briefing prior to start the task.
    approved RAMS to be available & ensure valid PTW
    2.Ensure proper coordination of MEP team to Civil team
    prior to entering excavation to obtain clearance
    access and egress should be free from any obstruction
    3.Ensure hard barriers are used for edge protection
    Provision of safety signage’s and warning lights
    Use of CAT and Genny to isolate/mark the buried
    4.Ensure good housekeeping of the area
    5.Maintain proximity to moving equipment
    6.Remove any materials/debris near the edge
    7.Ensure good condition of shoring materials or netting
    8.Ensure appropriate PPE’s are worn prior to entering
    excavation area
    9.Daily Inspection of Excavation by Competent Person
  14. Ensure underground utility drawing is verified prior
    to the commencement of excavation and is made
    available at the work site.
  15. Ensure excavation work permit and work inspection
    report are obtained and are made available on site.
  16. Daily inspection of excavation by a competent
    person using excavation checklist.
  17. Ensure adequate safe access/egress platform should
    be provide as applicable.
  18. Refer to QCS 2014 section 11 part 1.5.4 for additional
    control measures.
    4 1 4
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    Working at height /
    using podium ladder
    or mobile scaffolding.
    Materials and debris scattered
    on edges
    Incomplete scaffolding
    No inspection of the scaffolding
    Incompetent workers
    No supervision
    Falling of materials
    slip, trip and fall
    Falling of person
    Collapse of the Working
    Personal Injury,
    Property damage
    Loss of company
    5 4 20
    1‐ Avoid and minimize works at height, assemble at
    ground level wherever practicable.
    2‐ All employees must be provided be in‐house training
    on safe working at height and must be given strict
    instructions never to climb racking
    3‐ Supervisor to conduct safety briefing (PRE‐JOB
    BRIEFING ) prior to work commencement
    4‐Disciplinary action to given to for Unsafe act whilst
    working at height
    5‐ Competent Supervision to be provided at all times.
    6‐ Competent scaffolding inspector should inspect all
    the scaffolding before use and recorded.
  19. Only use green tagged scaffolding.
  20. All scaffolding component inspected or retighten in
    every three months.
    9‐All works must follow the correct sequence. 100% tie
    off and use of safety harness with double lanyard
    should be used where a fall from height is likely
    10‐ Adequate structural support (i.e. bracing, cantilever
    secured planks, support tie‐ups, toe boards, safety net,
    etc.) to be provided as required
    11‐ No works to be carried out below operatives
    working at height, exclusion zones with warning tape /
    hard barriers to be provided below with signage clearly
    12‐ Where applicable watchman to be provided below
    works at height
    13‐ Ensure operatives are provided with work at height
    training by an approved third party agency.
    14‐ Ensure scaffold inspection is carried out by a
    certified scaffold inspector at regular intervals not
    exceeding seven days since the last inspection.
    4 1 4
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    15‐ Ensure users are performing visual inspection of
    scaffold prior to use by – Don’t use it if any missing
    components identified.
    16‐ Maintain three points of contact while
    ascending/descending a ladder.
    17‐ Safe handling, use and storage of all loose
    materials, sharp objects and small components, packs
    of fixing and tools and equipment must not be stored
    near leading edge at height. Tools and equipment to be
    attached to person, access point to prevent falling and
    must be stored inside tool box whilst working at height.
    18‐ Flooring kept dry and quality maintained. All
    employees to be trained to clean and dry and spillages
    16‐ Ensure racking, platform is designed to be suitable
    for loads and co‐workers on job.
    19‐Adequate signs to be clearly fixed to racking stating
    the maximum loads (SWL) configuration
    20‐ Any defects / damages to racking to be reported
    21‐ Regular Tool box talks to be conducted for
    operatives working at height
    22‐ All temporary working platforms (scaffold systems)
    shall be erected by trained and competent personnel
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    7 Hot Work:
    Welding, cutting,
    Slip, trip, fall,
    Metal Splatters, Flying, foreign
    particles, Explosion, Radiant
    energies, Release of gases,
    Naked flame, Hot surfaces, fire,
    Burns, Injuries to
    body, Property /
    asset damage,
    Company loss of
    5 4 20
    1‐Pre‐job briefing talk, Toolbox talks to be provided,
    performed before the start of work activities. Permit to
    work system must be followed.
    2‐The person involved with hot work activities shall be
    trained and competent.
    3‐The hot work area shall be safe & suitably arrange,
    barricade and appropriate signage provision to restrict
    unauthorized entry.
    4‐The appropriate and suitable PPEs (Safety shoes,
    gloves, eye protection, face shield, apron, coverall)
    must be in use as applicable.
    5‐Provide adequate ventilation and fire prevention,
    protection in the vicinity (i.e. fire extinguisher, fire
    blanket, sand, water, & fire watchman, etc.).
    6‐Daily inspection of hot work associated power tools
    and equipment prior to start the work.
    7‐Hot work permit must be available and approved and
    associated safety precautions must at place and
    8‐First aid, emergency rescue provision, contact details
    shall be available in case of injuries/emergency.
    9‐ Certified fire watcher will remain at site of the hot
    work for 30 minutes after the hot work is completed to
    ensure that the work area is safe, secured and free
    from the risk of fire.
    10‐The hot work permit shall be closed 1 hour before
    the end of the shift.
    11‐Proper & adequate grounding/earthing should be
    available for electric generated equipment.
    4 1 4
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    Installation of Pipes,
    Fittings, Valves,
    Regulators, detection
    system, Cable tray
    and Control Panel
    Defective tools & equipment,
    Failure of tools, equipment,
    Falling of the load,
    Slip, trip, fall
    Suspended load,
    Sharp edges
    Pinch point
    Incompetent personnel,
    Overhead structure
    Personal injury,
    Property damage,
    4 4 16
    1‐Pre‐job briefing talk, Toolbox talks to be provided,
    performed before the start of work activities. Permit to
    work system must be followed as applicable.
    2‐Ensure the material should be stocked properly.
    3‐All lifting gears, tools should be third party certified
    and color coded.
    4‐Keep the working area neat and tidy to avoid tripping
    & fall hazards.
    5‐Adequate exclusion zone with warning signs should
    be provide around working area.
    6‐No un authorized personnel allowed in the working
  21. Pre check the tools, equipment, gears prior to start
    the activities.
    8‐ Wear appropriate PPEs i.e Safety shoes, Helmet,
    Goggles, Coverall, gloves as applicable.
    9‐ Keep always access way clear from the obstructions.
    10‐Hold the load by providing the tag lines if applicable.
    11‐Deploy competent operatives for carry out the task.
    12‐Keep always body parts away from the Line of fire.
    4 1 4
    Painting work
    Defective tools, slip trip fall,
    hazardous substances, in
    competent operatives, vapors,
    Improper handling of
    chemicals, spill, Fire
    Personal injury,
    health issues in case
    of inhalation,
  22. Pre‐job briefing talk, Toolbox talks to be provided,
    performed before the start of work activities.
  23. A comprehensive COSHH assessment should be
    carried out & briefed about the SDS to all involve crew
  24. Ensure competent operatives for performing the
  25. Proper handling/storage of painting material at site.
  26. Pre check the tools prior to start the activity.
  27. Adequate PPEs i.e coverall, Safety glasses, Safety
    shoes, mask, helmet.
  28. SDS & COSHH assessment should be in place.
  29. First Aid & emergency arrangements should be in
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  30. Appropriate fire extinguisher should be in nearby
    area of the work.
  31. Spill emergency response arrangements should be
    in place.
    Handling of
    COSHH materials
    Improper waste handling
    Improper storage
    Neglect of MSDS, Chemical
    comes in contact with body
    parts, inadequate ventilation in
    storage area and ingestion,
    Skin problem
    Breathing problems
    Company loss of
    Ill health
    4 4 16
    1‐Ensure MSDS & COSHH Assessment to be briefed
    & explained regularly, to users.
    2‐Waste Management Plan to be followed.
    3‐Waste segregation and collection point to be
    made available. Containment and covering of solid
    4‐Awareness and training material to be provided to
    operators relating to waste management, and good
    5‐Use of licensed waste contractor for waste
    collection and disposal, with scheduled waste
    6‐The COSHH container to be used for storage of
    7‐Training to be given.
    8‐ Wear chemical‐resistant hand gloves, safety
    glasses, suitable mask, safety footwear, in
    conjunction with other mandatory PPEs.
    9‐ Ensure provision of First Aid treatment as per SDS.
    10‐ Ensure adequate ventilation in the storage area.
    11‐ Prevent unauthorized entry into the storage area.
    12‐ Wash hands thoroughly before eating and
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    13‐ No smoking at the work site – Smoking is allowed in
    the designated smoking area.
    Hand & Power Tools
    Slip, trip, fall, Flying,
    foreign particles, Fire
    Electrical shock, Electrocution,
    Struck by tools.
    Cut, Injuries to
    body, burns.
    Company loss of
    4 4 16
    1‐ Pre‐job briefing, Toolbox Talk shall be provided with
    subject work task, including hand and power tool safety
    2‐ Hand and power tools shall be used, inspected, and
    maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s
    instructions and recommendations and shall be used
    only for the purpose for which designed.
    3‐ Hand and power tools shall be in safe operating
    condition before use. All power tools shall be
    periodically inspected and color coded by site PMV
    DOMOPAN Electrical Duty Holder to assure their safe
    operating condition and proper maintenance.
    4‐ Only certified / trained workers shall be allowed to
    operate the tools / equipment. Keep always body parts
    away from line of fire. Hold the hand/power tools firmly
    and keep body posture in safe position.
    5‐ Secure long sleeved and loose shirts when working
    with rotating tools.
    6‐ Secure tools when working on height by keeping them
    in tool belt.
    7‐ Defective tools shall not be used. All damaged or worn
    tools to be returned to the store.
    8‐ Do not transfer, move, and pull the machine with the
    help of its electrical cord. 9‐ Ensure the work
    area to be dry to avoid slips and electric shock.
    10‐ All safety guards, handles etc. shall be in position,
    and not to be removed from the machine.
    11‐ Make provision for tool bag with belt while working
    at height.
    12‐ Inspect tools for loose and defective parts. Report
    and replace immediately. 13‐ Appropriate
    ventilation system and personal protective equipment
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    shall be used when performing work with Hand / Power
    14‐ Provision of emergency contact details, procedure,
    First Aid Kit Clinic with qualified personnel will be
    available at the site.
    Manual Handling
    Slip, trip fall,
    Poor body posture
    Incompetent operatives
    Improper handling techniques
    Excessive load
    Sharp edges
    Pinch point
    Muscular problem,
    backache, hand &
    finger injury,
    property damage 4 4 16
    1‐ Pre‐job briefing talk, Toolbox Talk to be conducted
    regarding Heat Stress before the start of each activity.
    2‐ Competent operatives for perform the task.
    3‐Use mechanical aid for load handling as much as
    4‐Assess the load properly prior to lift.
    5‐Use comprehensive manual handling techniques for
    carrying the load.
    6‐Carry the load as per specified load limit for an
    7‐If load to heavy seek assistance of other person.
    8‐Keep always body posture in safe position to avoid
    muscular problems.
    9‐Use appropriate PPEs i.e Safety boots, coverall, Hand
    gloves, Safety goggles.
    10‐Hold the load firmly during carrying and keep near
    to upper part of the body as much as possible.
    11‐Always follow the safe work practices.
    4 1 4
    13 Pressure Testing Uncontrolled
    release of the
    Improper fitting of pipes
    Lack of or
    unsafe Pipe
    High pressure
    Burst pressure
    Personal Injury
    Damage to
    Company loss of
    5 4 20
    1‐Pre‐job briefing, Toolbox talks, safety induction, to be
    conducted and specific training provision, before the
    start of each activity. Appropriate permit to work
    system should be followed.
    2‐Only authorized, trained, competent person should
    carry out subject testing.
    3‐The work location shall be barricade and appropriate
    signage must be display to restrict the unauthorized
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    4‐The safe work environment (i.e. safe walk way,
    adequate ventilation, housekeeping, suitable lighting,
    etc.) shall be provided and maintained.
    5‐Fire prevention and protection provision. No open
    flame, ignition source nearby this testing area.
    6‐The materials (i.e. pipe line, their joints, their elbow,
    etc.) for testing shall be secured adequately against
    uneven movements. Adequate supports to be provided
    according to the load calculations for the both sides of
    the pipes.
    7‐All hazardous materials must be used, store, dispose
    in proper manner.
    8‐Operatives, examiners shall always use suitable PPE
    for the assigned job. Inspect the test location prior to
    testing operations. Responsible personnel shall be
    provided at all times during the test period.
    9‐All pressure, other testing equipment shall be fully
    operational and regularly maintained and calibrated.
    10‐ The pressure shall be raised gradually with safety &
    time factor and monitor for any leakage, or any uneven
    outcomes. The required pressure gauge installation
    shall be safe enough to monitor the development of
    11‐Caution tags shall be used to identify equipment and
    lines under test with all safety precautions.
    12‐Full face shields/safety goggles, gloves, shoes shall
    be worn when checking for leaks during pressure
    13‐All personnel shall be maintained a safe distance
    away from the lines during pressurizing.
    14‐In the event of a failure during the pressure or other
    test, the system shall be immediately depressurized or
    safety measures must be obtained, provided.
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    15‐ PTW shall be obtained from DOMOPAN PTW
    coordinator prior to the commencement of pressure
    Night Works
    Poor illumination ‐Dark Area
    Poor Visibility
    Eye fatigue
    Personal Injuries for
    unseen hazards
    Company loss of
    4 3 12
    1‐Illumination lux shall be provided confirms to QCS
    2014 Indicated in section 11 and Appendix 2.
    2‐ Delivering Pr‐job briefing dealing with night shift
    3‐ Illumination level shall be monitored prior to start
    the job by respective Site Engineer.
    4‐Construction areas, aisles, stairs, ramps, offices,
    storage areas and work place must have illumination.
    5‐Replace defective lights and clean lights regularly.
    6‐ Ensure the safe access and egress for the work
    7‐Ensure the welfare facilities such as Water and
    Toilet etc,
    8‐Emergency rescue team availability within job site.
    9‐Night work procedure shall be followed
    10‐Ensure close supervision.
    11‐Suitable PPE for all workers
    12‐ Obtain night work permit
    13‐ Use hi‐viz vest in conjunction with other PPE
    while working at night.
    14‐ Ensure workers are having a good sleep before
    they come to work.
    15‐ Follow work rest break schedule.
    16‐ Sleeping at the work site and under or behind the
    vehicle and equipment is strictly prohibited.
    17‐ Ensure workers are fit for night works.
    4 1 4
    Exposure to Adverse
    Heat Stroke, Heat Exhaustion,
    Heat Cramps,
    Suspension of task
    Recovery / medical
    4 4 16
    1‐ Pre‐job briefing Talk, Toolbox Talk to be conducted
    regarding Heat Stress before the start of each activity.
    2‐Provision of shelter for rest, provision of adequate
    drinking water, Employee orientation on summer /heat
    stress safety.
    4 1 4
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    or Hot Weather
    conditions :
    Heat Rash,
    Loss of company
    3‐ Make sure that all workers have easy access to cold
    drinking water and other welfare facilities.
    4‐Provision of ventilation like fans/ventilators or airconditioned
    rest areas.
    5‐Make sure that weather monitoring and flag system
    are implemented
    6‐ In case of excessive heat, work in shifts is required or
    rotation of work is to be maintained with required
    7‐ Regular scheduled rest periods must be given to
    8‐ Ensure work is scheduled as per revised site work
    9‐ Consider work stoppage when temperature reaches
    to critical level as required by local regulation.
    10‐ Provision of emergency contact details, procedure,
    First Aid Kit Clinic with qualified personnel will be
    available at the site.
    11‐work breaks as per weather monitoring (more rest
    break will allowed during high temperature).
    12‐ Follow Project Heat Stress Management plan.
    Housekeeping and
    Waste Management
    Accumulation of combustible
    materials with fire risk,
    slip, trip, fall,
    Hand injury, head
    injury, eye injury
    4 4 16
    1‐ Pre‐job briefing, Toolbox Talk shall be provided and
    Good Housekeeping to be maintained.
    2‐ Access/egress path must be maintain, no obstruction,
    unwanted materials in between approach path.
    3‐ All Hazardous, combustible waste, fire load materials
    must be disposed of daily in proper manner within an
    area designated by the Principal Contractor.
    4‐ Observe, maintain safe and proper storage of
    materials, including daily generated waste.
    5‐ Highlight, protect, and prevent potential hazards from
    any protruding sharp edge materials with warning tape
    or cones, caps.
    4 1 4
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    6‐ Protect, prevent all electrical cables from potential
    hazards with proper routing with safety precautions.
    7‐ Proper use, care, maintenance of PPE as per work
    8‐ All the loose, flying, falling objects, materials with
    must be organized, secured properly.
    9‐ Sufficient waste receptacles be provided in food
    service area and used for the disposal of waste food.
    10‐ Provision of emergency contact details, procedure,
    First Aid Kit Clinic with qualified personnel will be
    available at the site.
    10‐ Good standard of housekeeping shall be maintained
    before, during and after the completion of the work.
    11‐ No smoking at the work site‐Smoking is allowed in
    the designated smoking area only.
    Lack of Awareness
    Slip / trip / fall
    Injuries, fatalities
    Company loss of
    4 4 16
    1‐Reminding Emergency procedures during each
    STARRT briefing.
    2‐Follow evacuation plan
    3‐Accesses / Egresses to be free of any obstructions
    4‐Exit & Ways to master points to be guided by clear
    displayed signs.
    5‐Assign first aiders like area respective engineer /
    supervisor / group leaders: mention their names /
    contact numbers/ locations: all these to be displayed
    anywhere on site.
    5‐Provide first aid kits / boxes all over work tasks
    6‐Medical screening of all existing on site is mandatory
    7‐The provision of Site first aid station / clinic leaded by
    a doctor / nurse is mandatory.
    8‐Provide workers with Periodic fire / emergency /
    evacuation drills
    9‐Provide clear designated Assembly points.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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