Design approval and Instruction to start the production.


Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting Company LLC

                               P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Senior Project Manager

Project                 : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject                 : Design approval and Instruction to start the production.

Dear Sir,

We are writing following up the Email received on 28.03.20xx (appendix 1) confirming to proceed with the production of all pod types except the following

  • Disabled pods (5 No.)
  • And the pods that have changed from disabled to normal (16 No.)

Accordingly, would like to record the following:

  1. Pods type 1 (198 Pods):

We acknowledge the receipt of your instruction and consider it as a clear and formal approval on each of the below drawings in due consideration of the only two following comments as noted in your email reference above:

  • Comments related to external back box
  • Comments related to the Shaver socket locations.

We record that we have not received the final approval of the Consultant on any of the drawings listed below.

Accordingly, we will proceed with production based on the Instruction received from AGCEW. Please note that if any comment is received from the consultant after production or delivery this may lead to abortive work for which M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will not be responsible.

Any changes after start of production will be subject to additional cost and time.

S/n.Drawing NumberDrawing TitleRevSubmission date
1XXX-SD-ARC-0xxPOD TYPE 1 (S)- PLANS0123/Mar/xx
2XXX-SD-ARC-022POD TYPE 1 (S) – SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
3XXX-SD-ARC-023POD TYPE 1 (S)- MEP0123/Mar/xx
4XXX-SD-ARC-032POD TYPE 1 (B) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
5XXX-SD-ARC-033POD TYPE 1 (B)- SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
6XXX-SD-ARC-034POD TYPE 1 (B)- MEP0123/Mar/xx
7XXX-SD-ARC-040POD TYPE 1A (B) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
8XXX-SD-ARC-041POD TYPE 1A (B) – SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
9XXX-SD-ARC-042POD TYPE 1A (B) – MEP0123/Mar/xx
10XXX-SD-ARC-036POD TYPE 1A (S) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
11XXX-SD-ARC-037POD TYPE 1A (S) – SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
12XXX-SD-ARC-038POD TYPE 1A (S) – MEP0123/Mar/xx
13XXX-SD-ARC-048POD TYPE 1AM (B) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
14XXX-SD-ARC-049POD TYPE 1AM (B) – SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
15XXX-SD-ARC-050POD TYPE 1AM (B)- MEP0123/Mar/xx
16XXX-SD-ARC-044POD TYPE 1AM (S) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
17XXX-SD-ARC-045POD TYPE 1AM (S) – SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
18XXX-SD-ARC-046POD TYPE 1AM (S) – MEP0123/Mar/xx
19XXX-SD-ARC-024POD TYPE 1M (B) – PLANS0322/Mar/xx
20XXX-SD-ARC-025POD TYPE 1M (B) – SECTIONS0222/Mar/xx
xxXXX-SD-ARC-026POD TYPE 1M (B) – MEP0322/Mar/xx
22XXX-SD-ARC-028POD TYPE 1M (S) – PLANS0123/Mar/xx
23XXX-SD-ARC-029POD TYPE 1M (S)- SECTIONS0123/Mar/xx
24XXX-SD-ARC-030POD TYPE 1M (S) – MEP0123/Mar/xx
  1. Pods Type 2: (5 pods)

Following your Email (Appendix 1), we acknowledge that we haven’t yet received any approval or any instruction to proceed with these pods production due to pending confirmation related to ELV. M/s xxx (Contractor Name) will not be responsible for the delay in obtaining the approval to these pods and the consequences that it may have on the delivery and installation sequence on site.

  1. Pods Type 3 (16 pods)

Following your Email (appendix 1) related to the pods that have changed from accessible to normal, we note that have received the comments to change the floor drain location clashing with the PT slab on 27 March 20xx.

In order to resolve this immediately, we request for a technical workshop to finalize the drain locations or advise your required drain location to allow us to incorporate it in the revised drawings.

This instruction to proceed with production for Pods type 1 will be considered final and production will start accordingly unless you reply with a different instruction within 24 hours.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) LLC


Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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