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Delivery of Pods

uploading bathroom Pod

uploading bathroom Pod

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           xxx

                        :           Sr. Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai

Subject                 : Delivery of Pods

Dear Mr. xxx,

We refer to our meeting of yesterday during which you asked xxx to expedite deliveries.  This is to reconfirm that we have the ability to finish the whole job within less than 30 working days.  The production is on halt now because of the following pending matters which you need to resolve so we can unleash production:

  1. Drawings pending for approvals as of yeterday. Total 5 Type of pod drawings are still pending for an approval. (Please refer to attached drawing Log)

2)    Clearances on all pod areas (As of Yesterday 17th September xxx, we have clearances for only 57 out of 381 pods)

3)    As you are aware the selected Mosaic has a lead time of 7 weeks. Only after receiving this    material we can start the production because the size is big design factor)

We seek your immediate action to give us all clearances so we can finish the job as quickly as possible.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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