Decoding the dance of lightning. What is Pulses and Flushes.

Explanation of the Dance of Lightning and meaning of Pulses, Flashes.
Explanation of the Dance of Lightning and meaning of Pulses, Flashes.

Introduction to Lightning Dynamics

Lightning is one of nature’s most powerful and spectacular phenomena, offering a majestic display of natural electricity and posing potential threats to life and property. This report delves into the intricacies of lightning pulses and flashes, exploring how these electrical phenomena form and why they are significant.

What is a Lightning Pulse?

A lightning pulse is a surge of electric current within a lightning strike, typically accompanied by a bright burst of light. These pulses are the building blocks of a lightning strike and can occur in different forms: In-cloud (IC) and Cloud-to-Ground (CG). In-cloud lightning involves pulses that occur between areas of opposite charge within the same cloud, often unseen but crucial to the storm’s electrical balance. Conversely, cloud-to-ground pulses are the dramatic strikes that reach from the clouds down to the earth, posing risks to structures, trees, and life.

Understanding Lightning Flashes

A lightning flash can be thought of as a series of closely connected pulses. These flashes create the continuous ionized channels that we recognize as a bolt of lightning. Distinguishing between a flash and a pulse is essential for scientific analysis, as it helps meteorologists understand and predict weather patterns and potential severe weather events.

Total Lightning Detection: A Comprehensive Approach

Total lightning detection combines observations of both in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning to form a complete picture of storm electricity. This comprehensive detection is crucial for weather forecasting, particularly in developing severe weather alerts.

The Role of Pulse Density

Pulse density measures the number of lightning pulses per square mile per year and is an essential metric for understanding the frequency and distribution of lightning in a given area. High pulse density areas require special attention for safety and infrastructure protection.

Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts (DTAs)

Developed by Earth Networks, Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts are advanced warning systems that use total lightning detection data to warn of severe weather up to 45 minutes before it strikes. These alerts can save lives and property by providing extra time for people to seek safety.

Thunder Days: Tracking Lightning Activity

Thunder days are defined by the occurrence of lightning and provide a simple yet effective way to measure storm activity over time. Monitoring these days helps communities prepare for and respond to stormy weather, enhancing public safety and awareness.


Understanding the different aspects of lightning—pulses, flashes, and detection methods—provides valuable insights into weather patterns and safety precautions. As technology advances, so does our ability to predict and respond to these stunning natural events, reducing their threat while increasing our fascination.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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