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Emailed received from DDA- Subj: Compliance Visit Report – V-xxx Plot no: xxx

Compliance Visit Report

Compliance Visit Report

Date: xxx.

Ref.: xxx

Total Pages: 1


Mr. xxx

The Owner

Project:          Proposed G+1 Private Villa for Mr. xxx,

On Plot No. xxx At Nad Al Shiba First, Dubai, UAE.

Subject:           Site temporary lockdown and running cost

Reference: Emailed received from DDA- Subj: Compliance Visit Report – V-xxx Plot         no: xxx

Dear Sir,

This letter is regarding the email received from Dubai Development Authority dated 18th of November 2020 the Compliance Site visit report conducted on 18-Nov-2020, attached herewith is the copy of the report with ref. CVR-V-xxx. The email was shared with you today.

As the project was terminated and we are no longer part of this project, but a new contractor has not been appointed. We received a complaint from DDA under our company’s name, therefore, we request you to change contractor through DDA authority by a maximum of Sunday 22nd November 2020.

In case of failure to complete the process of change contractor, MCM will remobilize and deploy its watchman and required site facility followed by the temporary site lockdown. During the lockdown period MCM will charge a lumpsum amount of AED 12000.00 per month which include the following.

1.            Two watchmen (day and night)

2.            Transport facility for watchman

3.            Power generator

4.            Water

A part of this xxx will charge AED 2000.00 per violation to attend and comply the same. However, authority penalty and charge will be paid by the client.

Thank You

Yours Sincerely,

xxx Building Contracting LLC       

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